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Question about savage axis


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2015
Lake of the ozarks Missouri
I’ve got a chance to buy a savage axis in 25-06 cheap, brand new gun. I’ve been wanting a 280 AI. So my question is can I take the 25-06 to a 280 AI is that possible? I’ve been researching and all the 280’s I’ve seen are super expensive and I’m thinking I could maybe build one cheaper with this the axis is sub $300
I'm pretty sure you can get a profit barrel from Northland Shooter supply. They're in the $300-400 range if I remember correctly.
Absolutely you can!

Barrel swap is easy to do.

But be aware that there are other things that, simple things, that will make the rifle better.

First off, is the rifle your buying an Axis? Or an Axis II?
Axis II will have a much better trigger.
Regular Axis, think of buying a Rifle Basix trigger.

The other issue is the stock.
You can get a decent laminated stock from Boyds that fits the Axis for a decent price.
Boyd’s stock and bed it. There’s someone out there selling bits to upgrade the Axis’ ejector that are worth the $20.

Savage used to sell them chambered in 280AI. There’s a few in Gunbroker for just over $400 if you wanted to avoid paying $$ for a new barrel.
Free piece of advice, don’t shoot it before you start your project. I bought a 700 several years ago and just now getting around to the build because it shoots so well…
I made the mistake of shooting the loaner once in a Savage 110 SA Hog Hunter. It’s still a 308 in original configuration and shoots so well. Will be going to my middle daughter later this year
Absolutely you can and I have done the exact same thing except went from 308 to 260.
I got a small shank savage prefit bull barrel and Swapped barrels, setting headspace with gauges. Trimmed 1 full coil off of the trigger spring and then cleaned the trigger and lubed it up well. Used a boyds thumbhole stock. The stock was inlet for factory barrel so I opened the barrel channel up to free float the bull barrel. Once everything fit well I coated the bottom of the receiver with turtle wax and bedded it using jb weld. You only really want to bed around the front action screw and recoil lug area. I pulled the recoil lug out of the stock and reset it back in with jb weld. Once you get it back in make sure to clean everything off that pushes out. Then bed the action. Once cured assemble and shoot. It shot lights out but I ended up trading it off later. It was to heavy to really hunt with. I've always wanted a 280ai as well and was going to build another. Maybe this year lol. Good luck. Any questions feel free to ask
Savages are fun to tinker with. Barrel swaps are stupid easy with a little practice. Takes me 10 min. these days. 25-06 to .280AI is a straight up barrel swap so long as the .280AI is a small shank barrel. As for the stock, if it's an Axis II you might want to keep the factory stock if you're a hunter. That's not that bad of a stock and you will be hard pressed to find a lighter one. Just a thought.
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