‘24 Iowa Whitetail

Not much to report after yesterday. The group only got 3 does yesterday. 18 total so far with 11 of those being bucks. Yesterday afternoon we were trying to survey the group to see who wanted/needed to harvest more deer and no one jumped up. I think at this point every one has enough deer for the freezer and we are hunting for bucks. After 4 days of hunting you’d think all the deer would be blown out but some years we’ve killed some nice bucks on the last day that no one had seen until then. The old ones find a way to hide and get out of the way. The group will be quite smaller today as many return to work or other obligations.

Here’s a picture of one the drives yesterday. You can see 3 drivers lined up, heading south. Everyone is communicating to their left and right to stay aligned and to let the standers know where they are at in the drive. On this particular drive we use an old East/west fence to line everyone up straight.

there was more discussion last night on group dynamics and how if one person gets a deer it’s not their deer but the groups deer. So far I’ve walked every drive and will probably do so again today. Saturday 8.8 miles, Sunday 7.3 miles and yesterday 8.1 miles walked for me.
You must have a bad case of multifora
Some areas it’s terrible. There’s also honey locust and autum olive to add in the fun. The autum olive is the worst on the hands because many times you can’t see the thorns so you grab to pull yourself up a hill and don’t find the imbedded thorn for a few hours or days sometimes.
Sorry @Hem I’ve tried three times to get an accurate portrayal of my thigh and I can’t do it in a manner that wouldn’t cause even more people to put me on the ignore button. I’ve pulled thorns out of my hands every night since Saturday. My pillow has blood on it from the scratches on my face.
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Better than sitting in some box blind. No?
People are THAT sensitive to hit the ignore button?
" Tito, could you hand me a tissue?"
I hear they know how to handle wood at that place.
The Sawmill used to be really nice and we went there often times the night before the season to have drinks. The owner sold it a few years ago and it’s went downhill. Last fall there was a guy who was a regular that got jumped from behind as we he came out of the bathroom. He ended up dying after being in a coma for a few days.
That’s a wrap for the shotgun season. It is open through tomorrow, but we are done. We did 2 drives today and called it quits. I saw 8 deer today. Everyone had the deer they wanted. In all we had 24 hunters and we killed 18 deer, 11 of those were bucks. The season was safe and everyone had fun. Our sausage group has 4 deer to process tomorrow. We will skin, debone and package everything. In March we will make summer sausage, ring bologna and sticks. All of our deer that were eligible were tested for CWD. Last year we have had 2 positive in 11 years of testing.

Always fun to follow this annual thread.
Thanks @Gellar

I think you are ready to crawl around some western prairie where cactus abounds.
Thanks for tagging along.

I’ll see what my schedule looks like and if I can talk anyone to going but I’ve been wanting to visit my buddy in Arizona for some mearns and gambles quail hunting. There’s plenty of spikey things in quail country.