Kenetrek Boots

‘23 Iowa whitetail

depending on what weatherman you listen to they’ve either been calling for the storm to miss us or it will be the end of the world as we know it. Right now they are calling for it to be about in the middle, but not surprisingly they keep pushing it back later and later. Our school already cancelled for tomorrow. When they do that it usually amounts to nothing.

Got up for work at 3 30.

Grabbed a cup of coffee and looked out the window at the snow.

Don't want to go out in that crap.

Text boss that I'm staying home.

Drinking coffee and reading hunttalk in my pajamas.

Wife making chilli for the day.

Life is good.
Got up for work at 3 30.

Grabbed a cup of coffee and looked out the window at the snow.

Don't want to go out in that crap.

Text boss that I'm staying home.

Drinking coffee and reading hunttalk in my pajamas.

Wife making chilli for the day.

Life is good.
Sounds like a perfect day. I’m up and going to for my morning hike, look for tracks and then go move snow. I haven’t looked outside yet but at 3:30 it looked an inch or 2. The heavy stuff is supposed to be throughout the day.
Power out for a couple hours now. Ameren says maybe 7am to be fixed. 65 in the house and wife's mattress is half flat. Covered her with a big down comforter and hope they get things going again before too long!
Power out for a couple hours now. Ameren says maybe 7am to be fixed. 65 in the house and wife's mattress is half flat. Covered her with a big down comforter and hope they get things going again before too long!
Good luck Dave. Maybe they’d hurry if you told them you need the power to care of her?
Power back about 20 minutes ago! Guessing the wind and ice messed up a line somewhere. Snowplow has been past twice that I know of so far. No idea what it's like outside especially with the wind blowing it around. Going to be an all day event.
Good luck @Gellar , tomorrow is the day?
Thanks Hem! I hope to go out this afternoon. The snow is coming down hard here, we have all of 5" now and it is blowing or snowing as fast as you can shovel it. The wind is supposed to pick up to 30 mph with gusts higher this afternoon. I hope it brings out the big ones tonight or tomorrow!
Power back about 20 minutes ago! Guessing the wind and ice messed up a line somewhere. Snowplow has been past twice that I know of so far. No idea what it's like outside especially with the wind blowing it around. Going to be an all day event.
I live 6 miles from our work shop and the snow plow had not been on any of it yet, including a very steep hill which I was surprised. It will be Wednesday or Thursday before they are on our road depending on the snowfall. From the shop to our office is about 15 miles and the plow had been on it. I hope we don't lose power with the winds that they are calling for.
Maybe 3 inches of wet stuff. Think it rained some because I see some puddles. Not a lot of wind right now but snowing quarter sized chunks and plenty of them! Seems like if you could stay somewhat dry it would be a good day to still hunt a few hidey holes.
Just got home and the plow has been down our road in 2 directions and winged the snow back to the ditch. They must figure they better keep them open otherwise they’ll have to put the V plows on the maintainer!

I can only think about 1 thing! I’m going to still hunt into the wind to a cedar thicket and stay on the edge until dark. It should be out of the wind maybe one will stand up to stretch!
This is what I’m looking at right now. The wind is predominantly from right but has been swirling to all directions. Where I think they are bedded is 250 yards to my right. I’m going to creep forward until dark, glazing, sitting, and looking for sign. I saw a few beds from earlier today with 2-3 inches of snow in them. That means the deer wre here about 3 hours ago.
This is what I’m looking at right now. The wind is predominantly from right but has been swirling to all directions. Where I think they are bedded is 250 yards to my right. I’m going to creep forward until dark, glazing, sitting, and looking for sign. I saw a few beds from earlier today with 2-3 inches of snow in them. That means the deer wre here about 3 hours ago.
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Get 'em @Gellar
I have never hunted like that in SC, or NC (we never get that much), but certainly have in MT and love it. Enjoying following along!! Good luck tonight~!
After I posted last I moved uphill real slow. I glassed up 2 does laying under a down tree buried in snow 75 yards away. After they trotted away not knowing what I was I circled back towards where I had been and crossed a steep ravine to be able to look at the hill I was on and shoot towards it if I saw a deer. Well that didn’t work out because I saw no deer. I walked about 1.5 miles but in the snow I’m whipped. 1 more day!
After I posted last I moved uphill real slow. I glassed up 2 does laying under a down tree buried in snow 75 yards away. After they trotted away not knowing what I was I circled back towards where I had been and crossed a steep ravine to be able to look at the hill I was on and shoot towards it if I saw a deer. Well that didn’t work out because I saw no deer. I walked about 1.5 miles but in the snow I’m whipped. 1 more day!
How high will the bar be tomorrow?
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