‘24 Iowa Whitetail

Good god, those are some great deer! Pretty cool hunting country where you know there’s always that chance at a buck of a lifetime.
When we do drives you can’t really take time to judge. They aren’t fast, but the deer aren’t staying in one spot for long. We have a mix of people who just want a buck or some meat deer and a few guys who hold off until they get a better buck in front of them. The only group rules for size and shooting bucks are you use your own tag or have something worked out before hand with someone. Guys get pretty upset if someone shoots a buck and then the next day they shoot another basket rack and are asking for someone’s buck tag. Party hunting is legal in Iowa during gun seasons.
Ice storm, here we come! Tire chains, & full rain gear. I’m gambling for some does sheltering in the pines.
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Good luck and be safe! You’ll probably have the woods to yourself! The deer were really feeding hard tonight before dark. I was surprised, it usually takes a few days for them to stick their heads out in the daylight again. I get to help run cattle through the shoot to be vaccinated tomorrow. I won’t be out hunting again until after Christmas, but then I plan to hit it it hard.
30 mins to drive 5 miles so far. It looks like a glazed donut out here. It’s wild how deer know a storm is rolling in hours away, and will go out to feed early.
On the risk of sounding like my mother, there’s no deer worth your life. Be careful! (When I hear that I usually try harder to get where I’m going just to prove I can)

It looks like they’ve switched to most snow here, 3-5”.
On the risk of sounding like my mother, there’s no deer worth your life. Be careful! (When I hear that I usually try harder to get where I’m going just to prove I can)

It looks like they’ve switched to most snow here, 3-5”.
Freezing rain here now. Was hoping to go to the bait shop for some ice fishing jigs before the rain hit. Guess I ll wait until tomorrow on my way to the lake.
Freezing rain here now. Was hoping to go to the bait shop for some ice fishing jigs before the rain hit. Guess I ll wait until tomorrow on my way to the lake.
I was getting ready to run to town and started to hear the ping on the window. It’s a little more icy than I thought. I was hoping that would stay south. It’s 24 out now.
I still have a landowner tag as well as muzzleloader tag. Saw 4 does yesterday morning, 2 does last night Nothing but rain today. I can't stand box blinds so don't use them. Keeping an eye out of the kitchen window on the food plot lol.

According to radar the ice line was about 5 miles north of me this morning. I'm not prepared for that. I ran a gas line from my propane tank and installed second stage regular and black pipe to hookup. Still need to order the whole house generator and get it hooked up.
The rain softened up the snow, to make good tracking conditions.

I found doe and fawn tracks, and set an ambush where I predicted they would pass at sunset. They read the script except for coming from below instead of level elevation. At 20 yards I cocked the hammer, the deer looked and saw me sky-lined, ran, then paused at 40. I rushed the shot and missed.
We did a good job staying inside, laying low today but the kids got stir crazy today around 2:30. We were fishing by 3:15 and got into the bluegill immediately. I couldn’t even get my pole set because they were pulling them in so fast. We did a lot of sorting but brought a few home. Not bad for 1hr30 minutes.
Good wind this AM to hunt a doe hotspot I had scouted earlier this season. Set up and about an hour later I had a young doe come in and peg me at 40 yards. She paced back and forth and stomped. When I had a good broadside I took the shot and hit a small branch 🤦‍♂️

Regroup and had a snack. Turned around to investigate “squirrel noise” and spooked another doe 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Deer sign everywhere…just stay put. 0940 a fawn and a big doe step out at 20 and the big doe is down.

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