‘22 gardening

Starting to set tomatoes and peppers. Summer squash is about to go off. Cucumber grew about 6 inches overnight with the warmer weather. Snow peas seem to get eaten in the garden, I don’t think any have made the house yet. Spinach and arugula are over, started bolting the day after I cut so they’re gone, still have some leaf lettuce in there, and Swiss chard is going strong. Almost time to dig up the baby potatoes, get some room for cantelope and watermelon vines to spread out
The sun was getting pretty high by the time we got to our glassing spot, but there was a cool breeze making it a perfect morning for the hunt. We weren't there long before he appeared, cresting over a pumpkin leaf. I knew instantly, he was a shooter. I made a brief stalk, mindful of the wind at all times. I steadied my hand on the garden fence, took careful aim and squeezed the trigger. That shot stunned him, but he made a run for the edge of the leaf. I nailed him again just as he reached the edge. That shot sent him flying down to another, larger leaf where he slowly expired. He was no match for my trusty old squirt bottle loaded with a 90/10 mix of water and dawn dish soap.
squash bug.JPG
All that was left, was the pack out.
dead squash bug.JPG
Can't catch a break 3.5 inches of rain last night and ridiculous wind pretty much flattened all of my tomatoes and peppers. Got them all stood up and cages re fugured. And it's blowing about 50mph again.
Can't catch a break 3.5 inches of rain last night and ridiculous wind pretty much flattened all of my tomatoes and peppers. Got them all stood up and cages re fugured. And it's blowing about 50mph again.
We are getting hard rain and wind too. Started about the time I was picking veggies from the garden for my salad. It’s to humid for a fat kid like me.
The sun was getting pretty high by the time we got to our glassing spot, but there was a cool breeze making it a perfect morning for the hunt. We weren't there long before he appeared, cresting over a pumpkin leaf. I knew instantly, he was a shooter. I made a brief stalk, mindful of the wind at all times. I steadied my hand on the garden fence, took careful aim and squeezed the trigger. That shot stunned him, but he made a run for the edge of the leaf. I nailed him again just as he reached the edge. That shot sent him flying down to another, larger leaf where he slowly expired. He was no match for my trusty old squirt bottle loaded with a 90/10 mix of water and dawn dish soap.
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All that was left, was the pack out.
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You better zoom in next time, the background is gonna give your honey hole away.
Picked a bunch of jalapeños and a few zucchini tonight. Cherry tomato plants are loading up. 6.5" of rain in the last 48 hours. Won't have to water for a while.
That's an invite to run the sprinklers again.

I sure do miss a good garden.

I would've never guessed you'd be a Prostaff Gardener for Better Homes Magazine.
That's an invite to run the sprinklers again.

I sure do miss a good garden.

I would've never guessed you'd be a Prostaff Gardener for Better Homes Magazine.
🤣 When I was a kid we did a pretty good size garden like a 1/4 acre or so. Haven't done it myself since then til this year. Really enjoying it, kinda relaxing way to wind down after work
Picked a bunch of jalapeños and a few zucchini tonight. Cherry tomato plants are loading up. 6.5" of rain in the last 48 hours. Won't have to water for a while.
My zucchini’s are AWOL this year. The heat is really helping my pumpkins though. My radishes, carrots and potatoes had a deer run through them last night, but I think they’ll be ok.
🤣 When I was a kid we did a pretty good size garden like a 1/4 acre or so. Haven't done it myself since then til this year. Really enjoying it, kinda relaxing way to wind down after work
I don't have a garden but i can certainly whip up some mean flower pots in the spring, and decorate the outside like Joanna Gains for the holidays.

So there's that .....
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