Yeti GOBOX Collection

2025-26 Season plans?

Guess I'm going to try for Wyoming elk. Other than that the guy that rents the farm is looking at getting me a spot for whitetails here around home.

I’m with Dave, except the whitetail thing.

Swing for the fences with the kids and see what they pull. Otherwise, probably just save for the holiday vacation I obliged to.
Hunting where i live. Hoping for glory tags for some, but reasonable odds at a sweet elk tag. If not that - then archery hunting elk for a week with some good spots with friends and completing the obligatory mule deer rut hunt (wont shoot one under 160, so probsbly wont shoot one lol). Maybe try to find a whitetail for thanksgiving.

More inportantly - attending public meetings that i can. Communicating with my representation on relevant wildlife bills. And convincing friends fo do the same.

Trolling @Treeshark less. maybe.
Heading a a hunt in a couple weeks that maybe my favorite of the year. Buying points for WY elk, deer and pronghorn, points for AZ deer and pronghorn, maybe applying for elk? Planning to draw a phenomenal archery elk tag at home with my wife and a good friend. If we don’t draw that we plan to hunt together anyways in a new to us all unit. Will also apply for a mule deer tag in Idaho but plan to hunt OTC
Never applied to an out of state hunt before, but plan to swing for the fences on an archery tag in NM. It’d be neat to hunt an area with an actual abundance of elk on public land.

I haven’t held a pronghorn tag since 2019. Hope this is the year I get another.

Otherwise, I’ll do some local archery elk and continue my quest to find a bread & butter mountain whitetail spot close to home.
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This year is ending rough and will continue into the next until things get settled. Due to that, my hunting and fishing plans have been altered.

I had planned a pike spearing trip to the UP and a perch spearing trip to LSC if they get ice.
Planned a spring turkey hunt to Indiana.
A spring/summer full of local crappie fishing.
A dove hunt to west Texas with a stop back in Indiana.
A blue grouse hunt to Colorado.
A ruffed grouse hunt to NMW.
Ruffed grouse trip or two to the UP.
Buy antelope points for MT & WY.

Updated plans:
Pike spearing on local waters as ice allows.
Local spring turkey.
Spring/summer of as much local crappie as possible.
Blue grouse hunt in CO.
Hopefully🤞🤞an opportunity to get to the UP for grouse.

The outcome of what's currently altering my future will dictate.
Build points for CO elk and WY pronghorn.
Headed to Maine for grouse in October.
Despite making plans for a spring bear hunt, my wife decided this would be the year to travel to Spain.
As far as draws go, this is the plan for now:

NM (maybe)

Of these draws, I will likely draw nothing.

I'll hunt mountain lions and birds with my dogs, and some general tags for deer, elk and turkey. I don't have any international hunts planned.

Will do some surf, pier, and kayak fishing with my kids and nephews in the Gulf of Mexico on a family vacation.

Hoping to be surprised by a good tag in one of those draws.
Busy Spring with our only kid graduating and off to college late summer
Build points for CO elk and WY pronghorn.
Headed to Maine for grouse in October.
Despite making plans for a spring bear hunt, my wife decided this would be the year to travel to Spain.
All sorts of options for fishing in June, but looks like a family trip to Portugal will happen that month.
I have a busy year ahead…

First up is AZ… I feel very lucky so a early unit 9 archery tag is coming my way.

Then Utah.. I am sure I am going to draw my archery tag there.

Then NM…unit 16a archery tag is in the bag. It’s going to be a real callendar/vacation juggle to get these three in but I will bite the bullet.

Idaho…Moose draw is almost a guaranteed tag. Looks like my anniversary will be spent with my wife chasing moose in Idaho!

Then we have NV…I am going for the rut muzzle loader tag. With about a .01 % chance. I am sure I got this one as well. That would put me in 4 states chasing elk in two week period. Totally doable.

Then would be Colorado. I am going to draw the unit 61 archery elk tag, a moose tag in 7, and late season deer tag. This works well with my schedule because Colorado elk season is long so it does not conflict with the other hunts. Deer is in Nov so I am good. I will shoehorn in the moose hunt.

I plan on drawing a Kaibab late deer tag and sheep tag in AZ late draw and a TX whitetail draw.

I will be using a bit of vacation and my wife will be ready to kill me by Nov.

Those are my plans. For some odd reason, I think the G&F agencies in these states might not be on board with my plans.

In reality, I have the points to get a decent Colorado elk tag. I am still a few years away from the unit 61 archery elk tag but might cash in for a muzzleloader tag in 76 or 40. I also have the points for a decent 4th season deer tag.

The others are all long shots. I sincerely wish everybody good luck in the 2025 draws…I simply wish better luck to me and my son.

Have a happy New Year and please stay safe. For all you younger guys, make good choices…archery elk season is also 9 months away!
Spring turkey here in WI. I have first week, my wife has second.

Yellowstone with the family in July

Nothing set in stone yet out west, but I am mulling over burning my Colorado elk points. If I decide to wait on those, my options are a bit limited.
I have enough points to get a Utah general deer tag
I’ll keep building points in Wyoming
Otherwise I am on the bubble to draw the SD West River tag I want, and I have plenty of BH points that I probably should think about burning them some year, but with the young kids, I’m limited to one out of state hunt per year.

My buddy should draw a bear tag here in WI and I’d like to help him. He and his family have let my wife and I take bears off their property, so hopefully we can repeat that success for him.

Then archery and rifle whitetail here at home.
planning to go tagless on 1 or 2 hunts helping some others instead. would like to get my brother to draw a deer tag and get him out for the first time.

will be doing:
  • some season of colorado deer
  • colorado elk - hopefully will see some points disappear
could maybe end up with a longshot co pronghorn tag. then will have to see how things shake out in wyoming but should hopefully draw pronghorn, random everything else. always looking to snag some cow tags and white tail doe tags up there.
Lots of spring turkeys.
Going to look at burning my WY elk points on a Type 9 tag. I have 2 more pts than what the tag drew at last year so I'm thinking I have a pretty good chance.
Probably try and draw a couple second choice pronghorn tags in WY with my wife.
Going to try and do a few long weekend archery hunts with some friends for deer and pronghorn.
Lotta grouse and pheasant hunting.
Probably won't try and get buck tags this year in SD so it'll be points and WT doe tags.
Full spring of Spring Bear in ID, maybe with an out of state guest. Probably take my boy out for a day or so as well.

The usual compliment of ID OTC, and fingers crossed an elk controlled hunt tag.

WY antelope point
WY elk point
Put in for a WY type 6

NV antelope app

OR points for deer, elk, bear to try and hunt with my nephew at some point. Will hit coyote pretty hard later this winter.

I also will win the ID Elk Super Tag, because @Bluffgruff needs and adventure and something heavy to pack out.
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