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2024 Colorado Draw Results Thread

I'm gonna give it till the end of the week then worry about it. Anyone know how to go about getting a replacement? Never had to before but will be in the Loveland area Aug 12-13.
My brother lost an elk tag while hunting a few years ago, he drove to the dnr office in Durango and they replaced it in a few minutes. I can’t believe it will be a problem to get it replaced.
I had to get a replacement a couple years ago, cost maybe $10, took only a few minutes at their Broadway hq. Lost the tag on an elk leg in transit and needed it for processor.
Between elk and antelope I have a combined 5 decades (plus) of points. Pretty stupid I didn’t use my elk points this year… would have drawn 🤦🏻‍♂️

Pretty stupid I havn’t used my antelope points too… could have drawn any of the past 5-10 years… 🤷🏻‍♂️

Stupid is as stupid does.
Sounds like 2025 here could be your year! Apply and go hunt my friend.
Im pretty sure this is a dumb question that i should of remembered but can someone explain to me how/why someone with less points would draw over others with more points? For example why did the apps with 5,6,7 points did not all draw but someone with 4 points drew??
Was this unit subject to the hybrid draw?

Edit: Disregard that. Even at the 80/20 split that doesn't work out