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2023Ammo Shortages, Here We Go Again

The douche baggery I witness with when two local large stores were selling out their stock made me ashamed to be seen in the shooting section of the store. Seen some really embarrassing behavior.
Crossing my fingers as well, it happened to the suburban mom toilet paper hoarders...

I will NEVER buy ammo from an individual. EVER. I will cast my own bullets before I buy from some middleman who has too much time on his hands.....

I'll dog squat and wipe with a pinecone before I buy toilet paper off of some pshyco suburban housewife toilet paper hoarder too........

If shortages have shown us one thing it has shown how ruthless people can be....
I think my reloading component stash has grown about $5k in equity over the past few years.. which means I need to shoot more.
I have bought around 1500 bullets for reloading in the last couple of weeks and 8 lbs of powder. And a used rifle. I should not view those online estate gun auctions but they are just fun to see all the stuff. And no, I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. You can't have a lifetime supply if you don't work at it.
This was interesting and relevant:

The future is looking promising!

Thank you so much for posting that video.

I grew up with the green and yellow boxes. Love it. Always have, and always will. It's a tradition I will remember till the end of time. Cor-loks at thanksgiving shooting pumpkins waiting for the opener of deer season..... And there isn't much else in the world that has that kind of impact on a person.

Now, if I could just get them (Remington arms) to make a 760 gamemaster in 300 WSM with a ported barrel...or at least keep producing them in 30-06....
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This was interesting and relevant:

I was just getting on here to post this video. I wokrked for Vista for 8 years and I think this video is an accurate depiction of the true state of affairs. Covid, labor constraints, capitol and raw materials shortages is what contributed to the supply gap in ammo more than anything else. As they get a handle and secure more inventory and staff back up we should see supply increase. I think all the fancy bullet variants and boutique rounds is also not helping the issues as they require changeovers and increased downtime leading to less supply and increased pricing. All that to say I’m glad Vista bought them as they are a very knowledgeable ammo company. The engineers there are the real deal. The terminal ascent was a huge success and I think that round will be around for a long time.
Or they die off and we reap the rewards in a yard sale for pennies on the dollar.
In one local gun shop here they buy estate collections.

If you go in you can always tell when a hunter or collector passed away, because the used rifle/shotguns racks have three or more of the same rifle in different calibers (like the old Ruger M77s) in the same condition. Or in the case there are multiple revolvers of the same make / vintage.

Not sure where the ammo goes. I doubt a gun shop would re-sell used ammo.

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