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WTF, life bites here we go again

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If you do decide you are going to work, please ignore the WH's Stupid Chick and make sure you report all of your income. Do not work "under the table". Don't be a criminal, don't break the law.

You should find your local "Job Service" or whatever the State of Illinois calls their Employment or Labor Service. Go make an appointment and ask them about training programs that you might be interested in and might qualify for. There is an incredible amount of Federal Funding (thanks to the Liberals and Democrats) that is out there to train people to have employable skills. Please check them out, and maybe you can find a work environment that will use your skills and abilities in an effective manner.
yes working under the table is illegal in this state i am trying to get home job, i know it been pain to get it but only thing i can do and handle at this time, no car either so hubby does his best take care of me, and his job as he likes to keep it up like it always been excpt one time when i did work didnt go well ,wont go ther personal
JoseCuervo said:
What an idiot the Chick is, encouraging Q-1 to break the law and do something illegal. I guess she thinks the law should only be enforced against Hispanics, but Whites can break the law without recourse.

I am the idiot sweet baby cakes Love Muffin...Your the one who pretends you are something your not and I am an idiot!!! Please…. Don't blame me cause your metally challenged!!! I was suggesting something incase they were desperate….. I am not encouraging it for a Freaken Business. I said she can start out doing that and then paying taxes later…

Never mind… I have subcontracted out my work to construction companies… It is easy as hell…. I am not sure what the prob really is… I am starting to believe my family is the only smart ones on here, they comprehend normal thinking!!! You were right Mikeadoodle!!!!
JoseCuervo said:
If you do decide you are going to work, please ignore the WH's Stupid Chick and make sure you report all of your income. Do not work "under the table". Don't be a criminal, don't break the law.

Mikeadoodle you are turning me on beyond belief ...Please give me more ;);)
Whether you subcontracted your work out to another company or not really doesn't matter. It is still your responsibility to claim the money you made and pay taxes on it just like anyone else who gets paid for work performed. If they failed to send you a 1099 for that, you deliberately chose to break the law and cheat the American public and government by not paying taxes on it.
Ok Guys,
The company I work for is ALWAYS hiring here in Missouri. I know the time is not right for you all to have to pick up and move to a strange town much less a different state. Contact www.securitasinc.com and get with Missouri or Illinois. They have a Branch office in Illinois and maybe they can get you something there. I know I am having trouble with the Branch Office here right now. I'll email you the info on my problem later. But right now check that website out and see what you all can come up with. You WILL need a High School diploma or a GED to get hired or you will have 6 months within after getting hired to get your GED. Check it out and see what they can do for you. It can not hurt.
Well, thnaks boss we defintally appreciate it, but um missouri is another state, he dont have a license, and we laready made a deal who to move with we had many offers, from alot hunttalkers,but it just wont work, i am goin for ssi i cant wrok screw it up i mean that be dumbest thing i have ever done, cause why loose alot a month for little job a illegal might take or a jerk like hubbys boss or little bitch who thinks she god could be man if wer to happen to me, who knows:rolleyes:, anyway wew got it planned all he does is go to man power, they pay least 10a hour or more, u can hitch a ride uw rok together, and well thats that it good, now we had prob last nite well hubby bro either moves to australia soon, or he in deep chit, he didnt do bad thing, just dumb influence on alcohol,so i make that short wich make s it wors eor better for u, but sicne hubby him i have gottin along, with his bro we helped each other we both screwreally god know it can go good or bad or both:)
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