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2023Ammo Shortages, Here We Go Again

Starting up means in process. Fiocchi, Expansion and one in the NE I can't remember the name of.
Starting up means in process. Fiocchi, Expansion and one in the NE I can't remember the name of.

Yes, starting up because of demand it makes fiscal sense to make a massive capital investment and investors/banks are willing to take that risk....but you also say existing plants are lying that they can't keep up and creating false scarcity.

So either this "false scarcity" has duped you and major investors in new plants who are going to be sadly disappointed when they find out the current major players actually can produce far more primers that originally thought and prices will be crashing soon.....or simply current demand outstrips existing supply without conspiracy and price fixing.
Yes, ... prices will be crashing soon.....or simply current demand outstrips existing supply without conspiracy and price fixing.
There are a number of factors in play creating a temporary market wherein they can artificially inflate prices. The market long term will correct to as formerly with the new ammo plants coming online. New plants will supply the increase in buyers while old plants can return to supplying as before if they don't want to lose market share to new manufacturers.

The elevated prices can't exist long term after the excess money injected into the system is taken up.
There are a number of factors in play creating a temporary market wherein they can artificially inflate prices. The market long term will correct to as formerly with the new ammo plants coming online. New plants will supply the increase in buyers while old plants can return to supplying as before if they don't want to lose market share to new manufacturers.

The elevated prices can't exist long term after the excess money injected into the system is taken up.
Guarantee we will never see $35/K primers ever again, just saying.
Guarantee we will never see $35/K primers ever again, just saying.
Prices for most things will likely never return to pre-pandemic levels, but if new capacity starts to exceed supply they could. One reason why suppliers are hesitant to add more capacity. Even now tho there are constant sales of common things, but every item you sell at a reduced price is one less that you could have sold at regular prices. $70/K for primers is the new damn good price.
Inflation says current money won't buy what old money would. So the number will be higher.
There are a number of factors in play creating a temporary market wherein they can artificially inflate prices. The market long term will correct to as formerly with the new ammo plants coming online. New plants will supply the increase in buyers while old plants can return to supplying as before if they don't want to lose market share to new manufacturers.

The elevated prices can't exist long term after the excess money injected into the system is taken up.
It could be 2-3 years before all the fiscal and monetary stimulus over the past 3 years is able to work its way of our economy. It will be 1.5-2 years before the imbalance in labor demand and skill demand has been reduced to be balanced. As a professional financial markets economist and investment manager, everything that article said confirmed what I already suspected. There's certainly an imbalance in ammo. Lots of marginal quality ammo being made, but try to find premium ammo with premium bullets. And ultimately primers are holding back the manufacturers, probably because they are being used for ammo sent to the Ukraine. I'm not a believer at all in market manipulation or conspiracy theories. I think that's a lot of nonsense. Sounds intelligent on a blog, but furthest from reality.
... conspiracy theories. I think that's a lot of nonsense. Sounds intelligent on a blog, but furthest from reality.
Labeling opinions as conspiracy theories is an attempt to discredit the opinion by labeling the holder as a loon.

I started skimming that article after I read the first lie. Did I miss any mention of Expansion Ammo?

There have been two or three primer plants starting up while the big names lie that they can't make enough.
Here’s to hopin a lot of that ammo starts to get dusty on the shelves and prices come down.

I didn’t see myself being a primarily factory ammo shooter any time soon but the reality of two kids under 18 months old now made it clear that if I want to shoot much I can’t spend a bunch of time at the loading bench. Been buying a bunch of loaded 69/77 grain Sierra matchking ammo for $0.6-0.70/ ea and 6/6.5 creedmoor for $1.15ish. With component costs and associated time at the bench, that’s a no brainer although performance is still a compromise.
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