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2022 Sask moose adventures

Got to get the toys ready!! I quartered one elk in my life. Carried out a hindquarter then got the truck within 200 yards to finish loading the pieces. After that I said never again I’m having the trailers and quads to get them out where I can winch them up skin and lower into the truck lol
A lot of us grew up dragging them by sheer muscle and will. Then we said never again and graduated to carrying them out on our backs.
Got to get the toys ready!! I quartered one elk in my life. Carried out a hindquarter then got the truck within 200 yards to finish loading the pieces. After that I said never again I’m having the trailers and quads to get them out where I can winch them up skin and lower into the truck lol
My brother always said, "If you're going to be stupid, you had better be tough." An example of working smarter, not harder.
Checked out a few new areas today. Saw two cows and a small bull. No calves. I think last winter with our excessive snow maybe they aborted calves. I wish I could see a bull that dumb while hunting. Saw him 300-400 yards away down the quad trail as I was riding along. Shut it off let out a few bull grunts and he came trotting in to 40-50 yards. Would have been delicious, easy retrieval and and easy shot. Also ground pounded some supper while out scouting today
Well quad and tub trailer is loaded into my decoy trailer. Goose decoys are in the garage. The decoy trailer is now the moose trailer for the next five days. Storm seems to be blowing in. Wish us luck for the morning. I’m hoping at least one of use out of three tip over a bull in the morning to start the season off right!!

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