
2021 Wyoming NR Elk Draw Results

Well, it is crazy how things have gone. For years I was able to draw a general tag as my second choice in the special drawing and earn and point and get a tag. I think I hunted Wyoming 6 straight years from 2008 to 2014. This year I got lucky to draw a general tag in the special drawing with 1 point. I know there are some that get moved over to the special to make up the legislatively mandated minimum number but I know it was not a sure thing to draw in the random. Looks like it wasn't even a sure thing with 2 points this year. It's my first tag to draw this year so I'm happy to be hunting elk in Wyoming again this year.
A buddy and I drew late season cow tags. Fun adventure rather than trophy hunt, and I think it will be fun.

We are also working on an elk hunt here in Oregon with my wife and kids and a couple of his younger siblings. I think he and I will be guides and packers for that hunt, so this is our chance to get back out and hunt on our own for a few days.

Pulled a great Utah LE elk tag so I'm kind of relieved that I didn't beat the odds in WYO. Still about two years away from a unit 7 tag. I think Wyoming has one of the better draw systems, except for the fact that all non top point applicants are thrown into the same random draw bucket. First time zero pointers have the same odds as those with multiple points. Good luck to all you 'successful' hunters.
Every app that didn't draw in the pp side is in the random.
Had three points and bought the special. First choice was a glory tag I didn't expect. Second choice was a 67% second choice draw, type 4, last year I expected to draw. Third choice was a 100% draw prior year for those handful who opted for third. Got skunked in WY. Didn't draw MT combo this year either. Guess I get to try for WY elk with four points next year and MT should be a certain for next year.
I wonder at what price does the needle start to move on draw odds. Clearly not $1300. So at what point would people start to shy away? As it stands WY could raise their elk license to $1300 across the board for any elk and never miss a beat.
No luck for me and the kids. Should draw Oregon elk so still have some hope for elk steaks this Fall. Congrats to all that drew.
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