PEAX Equipment

2018 MT Deer & Elk Drawing Results

First I've seen denied I'll be returning mine you can have it. Headed to NM for elk. Can't do both I think.

Wish it worked that way! I'll be putting my name on the alternate list so there's still a chance I guess. Hopefully lots of people turn theirs in. Good luck in NM.
Drew a NR general elk combo, but it says "released" in parenthesis after this. Does this mean I elected to turn the tag back in? I sure hope not, my plan was to hunt the general tag.
I am assuming no one else with a successful elk combo says "released" after it???? If I screwed this up...... I was planning on hunting the general tag.
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I am assuming no one else with a successful combo says "released" after it???? If I screwed this up......

Not here thinking you may have made a boo boo.... Did you also apply for a special permit? If should have asked you if you wanted to return general tag if unsuccessful drawing special permit.
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Yes I did apply for the special permit, and was unsuccessful but I am almost 100% I selected to keep the tag. I am freaking out. Nothing on my receipts indicates one way or the other. I was the party leader too, so I may have screwed this up for our whole group.
Yes I did apply for the special permit, and was unsuccessful but I am almost 100% I selected to keep the tag. I am freaking out. Nothing on my receipts indicates one way or the other. I was the party leader too, so I may have screwed this up for our whole group.

Don't sweat it there's probably elk combos leftover or for sure get one on alternates list
Yes I did apply for the special permit, and was unsuccessful but I am almost 100% I selected to keep the tag. I am freaking out. Nothing on my receipts indicates one way or the other. I was the party leader too, so I may have screwed this up for our whole group.

I would call tomorrow after thinking I bet you did draw. It may be the fact that it was a deer/elk combo that the elk was released after someone chose to only keep the deer portion of the combo. Then it was place back into the draw and you all got drawn. If it's under your successful portion of myfwp your probably fine.
5/5 for us on big game combos . All applied separate too but we all bought pref points . As for a bull permit I now have another point oh well gen tag it is . I know of a lot of guys who got turned down for the big game combo but none spent the $ on pref points . I knew that would be a mistake some would make
I'm so pumped up, I drew my first Big Game Combo Tag!

I goofed on the registration and mistook the Preference Point as a Bonus Point and didn't buy it. I guess I got lucky!

Now to get serious about the location and planning.
Well I kinda fouled myself up a little. I put the 380 Muley tag as my second choice having read somewhere you wont draw it unless its first choice. I have been putting in for the same Muley unit for awhile and never drew my second choice. Just spent a few points on this tag so I am gonna get quite a bit more acquainted with the Elkhorns this summer. That will be worth the points alone probably. Also gonna miss my annual Muley spot, wont have time this year. Drew the 410 archery also, figured what the heck. Best wishes to all!
No luck for for this first time applicant, Big Game Combo..... Back to South Dakota,
Good Luck to all that drew!
I'll try again next year!
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