2018 MT Deer & Elk Drawing Results

Well I kinda fouled myself up a little. I put the 380 Muley tag as my second choice having read somewhere you wont draw it unless its first choice. I have been putting in for the same Muley unit for awhile and never drew my second choice. Just spent a few points on this tag so I am gonna get quite a bit more acquainted with the Elkhorns this summer. That will be worth the points alone probably. Also gonna miss my annual Muley spot, wont have time this year. Drew the 410 archery also, figured what the heck. Best wishes to all!

You don’t lose your points for drawing second choice ...
our party drew 622-20, feeling pretty blessed and excited to see the breaks!

My one bud opted out this year and we picked up another friend and drew, the initial friend was not too happy he backed out...
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We (My wife, myself, and a friend) were successful on drawing our NR General Deer Combo. Is there any way to see how many NR applicants there were for deer combo, elk combo and big game combo??
I would call tomorrow after thinking I bet you did draw. It may be the fact that it was a deer/elk combo that the elk was released after someone chose to only keep the deer portion of the combo. Then it was place back into the draw and you all got drawn. If it's under your successful portion of myfwp your probably fine.

This is exactly what happened. Here is the note from FWP:
What that means is that you have a general elk combo license but got it in the second drawing. After the initial drawing there were licenses left due to other applicants choosing a refund if they did not get a permit and those licenses were put through a second drawing.

It seems so stupid to put "released" right next to the tag I drew. They almost gave me a heart attack.
Kenetrek Boots

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