2011 Pronghorn

Sunday August 21

I found a good waterhole about 9am and since Rob just had sunday to hunt I called him and we got him setup in the double bull. He had some close encouters with does and some small bucks, also the neighborhood badger. I scouted some other areas and decided the waterhole would be my best oppurtunity on Monday morning.





Congrats on a great buck!! Didn't realize that WY allowed crossbows. I inherited one so may have to give that a go sometime. Would be FUN!
Monday August 22,

I was up early and down to the blind a half hour before sunrise. Here is a view of the opening minutes of the day from the blind.


The resident badger showed up right at sunrise as well.
6:30 some does and small bucks came in.



Thats it


5 minutes after they left I caught a glimpse of a buck coming down the ridge on a run to the waterhole.



I could tell he was a good buck so as soon as he reached the water and started taking a drink I ranged him at 30 yards put the scope on him and pulled the trigger on the crossbow. The bolt was through him before he knew what happened. He made it another 40 yards before he tipped over.




I had a quick photo session and then got him quartered and on ice for the trip home.




Thanks for tuning in. Later
Colorado has to be one of the toughest places to hunt from a blind. Following a tip from a friend I scouted a buck last week and found a good buck with 6 does using a tank consistently and I haven't seen any other antelope in 5 miles so its slow. I finally got a chance to setup on it today but am fighting to stay awake after along week of work and only 4hrs of sleep last night. Good thing I have the crackberry and hunttalk.
The pics are awesome they make the story and the amount of goats is great as well.
Man thats a great lookin buck and some amazing pics!!

I cant wait to get down to Wyoming and hunt for a good buck. The next year will be filled with planning and figuring out which zone to draw!!
Thanks guys WY is the place to be for pronghorn. FInally got out of the blind yesterday about 1, couldnt stay awake without moving any longer. I went and found the buck about a mile away. Decided to try decoying. They bedded about 4 and I snuck to within 300yards, I popped the decoy. All I saw was dust trails heading the other direction. I would say the rut is still 2 weeks out. Perfect for rifle season in CO, thanks DOW. I talk to them every year about the season and they tell me the rut is over long before rifle season. All you have to do is get out and observe antelope and they would know it isnt. I have some good pics of this buck I will put up.

Today Im getting the camper ready to head to WY next sarurday, cant wait. I have Monday and Tuesday to still hunt CO. We will see what happens tomorrow.

Well here is how Monday and Tuesday ended.

Monday I found the buck and does in a millet field a half mile south of the guzzler. I snuck in and setup the blind and waited for some action. At 9 oclock I could see they were up and moving. They crossed the road and headed directly towards the water. They slowly worked there way closer. At 95 yards they swung down wind and busted me. So close but the gig was up. They quickly vacated the area.

I left the water to go find them and located them bedded in a stubble field. After giving them a couple hours I tried to sneak up on them but couldnt cut it under 150 yards. They were out of there. I packed it up and let them sit over night.

Tuesday final day.

About noon I found myself crawing up a hillside in a stubble field wearing my ghillie suit. The buck and does were bedded just over the crown of the hill. After two hours of slowly working I was within 45 yards and just needed to make it into a small terrace 5 yards in front of me. I would have enough room to draw without skylineing myself. A no good doe busted me and stood up. I froze. Now all the does and buck were on there feet trying to figure out what I was. They came closer yet, but finally had enough and booked it. Busted. That was all I had left for the CO 2011 archery season. Here is a pick of the buck. I have some more pics I need to get uploaded but I have to get everything to leave Saturday morning for WY. Cant wait.


Nifty buck. Really light face, though. You wouldn't want that ugly thing on your wall anyway. ;)
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