160 tags taken from WY Pronghorn hunters

I don't think many people realize what goes on with the one shot hunt, including the legislature.

It just seems ridiculous to "double down" on set asides, no matter what two groups get the tags.
If this passes, I think the hunttalk community should apply for 80 tags to be used as a fundraiser... And the state BHA chapter... And the local school district... Maybe even form a Interstate Hunt group and they can apply as well...
Sent them all an e-mail.

I wonder if you could get one of the hunter organizations (BHA, RMEF, etc?) to put this on their website with one of those slick interfaces that sends an e-mail to all of them at once? They usually provide a canned text that each user can modify as desired.
The following is not great writing, but for those who have never written a legislator, here is a fairly useful format. I know for those of you who do this regularly, this is a worthless post, but if it makes it easier for those new to the process it will be worth the 5 seconds it takes you to move along.

And while it is trite, be polite, identify the relevant bill designation, state your interest in the issue and connection to state, raise specific reasons for your concern, and ask for their vote. You would be surprised at how many communications they get that don't cover these simple items.


Dear Mr./Ms. ____,

I write with concern about Wyoming Senate File No. SF0003. While not a citizen of Wyoming, myself, friends, family and church have all looked to Wyoming as a wonderful place to share our love of the outdoors. One of the activities that draws me and my son to Wyoming is your outstanding stewardship of your state's hunting resources, an issue relevant to SF0003.

SF0003 is concerning on two fronts, the first is the extension of preferential access to public hunting resources to specific sub-groups. The North American outdoorsman model functions best when all of our citizens have equal access to these precious and limited resources. Providing preferential and unequal access to sub-groups, whether to affluent hunters who can "pay to play" or to otherwise deserving organizations, eventually erodes the sportsman's (sportwoman's) confidence in the system and makes them less likely to continue to invest their time and energy into this economically and culturally important pastime. No matter the cause, there are almost always better ways to promote hunting and outdoors access than to set up inequality in granting such access.

My second reason for concern is that SF0003 appears to support a continuation of preferential access to a very small group of wealthy and influential individuals. A group who uses only a third of the tags for its formal event and then uses the other two-thirds of the tags to provide its past participants effectively permanent antelope tags. On top of that, this group excludes women from full participation. This is an anachronistic approach for 2018, and an approach which is not alleviated by then doubling the number of special tags so that similar numbers can be provided to an exclusively women's group.

For these reasons, I respectfully ask that you vote against SF0003, and that you also support repeal of the existing special allocation.

Best Regards,
Your Name Here
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Done, and I'm surprised the Native Americans haven't jumped all over this "one shot hunt" picture! I see Simpson is right in there too along with some other notables making fools of themselves!!!
As a neighbor to the Great State of Wyoming. I faintly remember this picture. Could our Wyoming brethren enlighten those of us who are uneducated to the photo and reasonings behind it.

As a neighbor to the Great State of Wyoming. I faintly remember this picture. Could our Wyoming brethren enlighten those of us who are uneducated to the photo and reasonings behind it.


Described at end of HuntTalk podcast 56. Essentially, those who miss their "one shot" are shamed by dressing like Indian women at the after party.
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Thanks VikingsGuy. I now know. Hmmm? Wonder how that would fly today???

Kinda unbelievable, but it’s not something that has been relegated to the recent past. Straight from the organizations website:

"After the hunt, at the Saturday evening Victory Banquet, team members tell packed audiences at the Lander Community Center why they did or did not collect their bucks with one shot each. Only buck antelope taken with one shot are credited. Antelope taken with more than one shot are considered a “miss”. Each hunter who scored is presented a silver bullet; those who did not are presented laughing antelope plaques. The evening ends with members of the winning team dancing with the Shoshone braves while the others are relegated to dance with the Indian maidens in a traditional Round Dance."
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Thanks guys, I used the template, modified it for a personal touch and sent it to all of them. And I sent a picture of my daughter with her antelope!
I don't quite understand exactly what happens with these tags or where, exactly they are coming from. I'm not a Wyote.

but I am curious about what percentage of the tags this represents. How many other tags of similar type (rifle antelope, buck-only, whatever) are give out each year in total?

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