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Lander "one shot" hunt issues...

This is an interesting youtube video of the One Shot ceremonies. Watch it until the end.

LopeHunter made an interesting comment on the makeup of the One Shot membership. It gave me a weird feeling after I looked through all the pictures and video on the One Shot. I didn't use any fingers LopeHunter.

By the way, the guy in the middle of the Indian Maiden picture is former Dallas Cowboy Danny White.
I'm fine with the club being all male and I'm more than fine with their activities. Heck, I was in a fraternity at an all-male college for my undergrad. I get it and am generally supportive of private clubs setting their own rules. That said, supporting the club via state gifted tags is where I have a problem. As I see it, the state has a hard time passing the red-face (that's for embarrassment ;) ) by denying future groups gifted tags while still giving them to this group. Pandora's box. If they give the women's only group/club tags, look for groups/clubs of all types to spring up and request tags...
At dinner last night I mentioned this to my wife. She is a hunter as well. The thing that she had the most issue with was the part where they try to get it done in the fastest time. She felt that could push people to take un-ethical shots. She had no concerns about the "male only" aspect of the hunt. She thought it to be odd and discriminatory but it did not bother her at all. She compared it to a fraternity, like others have. She wondered why the State would give the 56 tags to past participants but did not share my level of concern with that aspect. She actually thought the women's activities during the hunt sounded fun, as long as wine was involved, and thought they should have an antelope cooking competition that only the women could participate in to go along with the hunt. Just another perspective from another hunter.
Although a tradition, there are so many things wrong, its hard to find a place to start.

I don't like the exclusivity of it. The article suggests the 'proceeds' go to conservation. Is there an entrance fee and if so, is it enough to be worthwhile?
I don't see a need for the 56 tags for past participants, are they paying a fee too? Sounds like if you participated once, you can go every year on a free tag.
I dislike any event that makes hunting a competition.
I disagree with the men only aspect.
So, how much money is raised by the event and where does it go? Here in Kansas we do a one shot Governors turkey hunt and tags are not an issue because you can buy over the counter. We just completed the 31st year and had 83 hunters (I guide and my hunter took 3rd) there are multiple auctions and other events that all raise money towards scholarships for students in the outdoor/conservation industry. Great event.
I went to the website of the event and could not find a "rules" section. I would be curious about how the "one shot" thing is dealt with when you have an animal that needs to be dispatched after the first. Is an animal that is not immediately dead after one shot automatically disqualified? Can the hunter dispatch it by another method than another gunshot? Can the hunter stand over the animal for 5 min and see if it dies? 10min? 30min? I would hate to think an animal had to suffer needlessly in order to keep a hunter in the contest.

I think we would all agree that a one shot kill is what we want, but it's not always the way things happen.
I went to the website of the event and could not find a "rules" section. I would be curious about how the "one shot" thing is dealt with when you have an animal that needs to be dispatched after the first. Is an animal that is not immediately dead after one shot automatically disqualified? Can the hunter dispatch it by another method than another gunshot? Can the hunter stand over the animal for 5 min and see if it dies? 10min? 30min? I would hate to think an animal had to suffer needlessly in order to keep a hunter in the contest.

I think we would all agree that a one shot kill is what we want, but it's not always the way things happen.

When I first heard about this event a couple years ago that's the exact thought process I had as well. Using a big game animal as a target in an organized and subsidized competition in 2017 just doesn't seem right.

Add in the inequality, inclusiveness, lack of transparency and cultural issues, this is about as big of a steaming pile of crap one could imagine.
I went to the website of the event and could not find a "rules" section. I would be curious about how the "one shot" thing is dealt with when you have an animal that needs to be dispatched after the first. Is an animal that is not immediately dead after one shot automatically disqualified? Can the hunter dispatch it by another method than another gunshot? Can the hunter stand over the animal for 5 min and see if it dies? 10min? 30min? I would hate to think an animal had to suffer needlessly in order to keep a hunter in the contest.

I think we would all agree that a one shot kill is what we want, but it's not always the way things happen.

A hunter is allowed a second shot to dispatch a wounded animal and at that point is not considered a one shot kill. Only one shot kills are considered in determining the winners. Only those in the hunt know what goes on in the field when an antelope is hit. Hopefully it is ethically dispatched if not hit good enough.

Here are the rules on the issuance of the 56 "extra" tags. All 80 tags are distributed over 5 hunt areas and they are all "trophy" hunt areas. The One Shot club, and only the One Shot club, determines who gets ALL 80 licenses.


Last year’s team members as “new” Past Shooters will be on List 1.

Past Shooters who have furnished PROOF of their rejection from the Game & Fish, and have requested a

license in writing via email to: [email protected] will be on List 2.

Past Shooters who did NOT apply to the Game & Fish for a license, but requested a license in writing via

email to: [email protected] will be on List 3.

Past Shooters who are present at the Stag Luncheon, but made no advance request, can still verbally request

a license, and will be put on the bottom of List 3.

Past Shooters are entitled to a license while the supply lasts, but may defer their license to a guest. If they wish to defer their license to a guest, but still desire a license for themselves, they may assume the position of their guest, providing the guest is listed on the Guest List. After every Past Shooter has received a license or deferred to a guest, their guests will be issued in the following priority: Guest List 1, Guest List 2, and Guest List 3. (Note: The same “guest” may only receive two Past Shooter licenses per lifetime. This does not apply to immediate family members. This limitation has been in effect since 2005.)

If a Past Shooter wishes to give their license to a lady, the license will be issued at the local Wyoming Game & Fish Office.

Past Shooters on the list may change positions with another Past Shooter.

Guests may NOT transfer their license.

If a Past Shooter is not present at the time his name is called at the License Issuance, his name will be added to the bottom of his Past Shooter Priority List, and will be called again. If the Past Shooter is still absent after the end of that list, he forfeits his chance for a license.

A Past Shooter Guest may NOT receive a license at the License Issuance unless he is a registered guest and accompanied by the Past Shooter.

License Issuance Day will be held on Friday, September 15th, 2017, 10:00am. Be there on time! Lander Community Center. Stay for the Stag Luncheon following the License Issuance! Wyoming resident licenses will be available!
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A hunter is allowed a second shot to dispatch a wounded animal and at that point is not considered a one shot kill. Only one shot kills are considered in determining the winners.

"allowed another shot to dispatch a wounded animal"?? I would hope so, lol.

"Only one shot kills are considered in determining winners" Exacly why I worry about the way the average Celebrity/Polititian would conduct themselves.
If it is like our One shot turkey hunt your score is deducted for any shots taken more than the one. It doesn't mean you can't shoot more than once. ie.for our hunt it is a 5pt deduction per shot taken past one.
Being in the National Guard currently and seeing the changes that have happened over the last 12 years in regards to equality and how it has made us a better community, this type of event bothers me. The most recent conflicts have had women earning some of the nations highest awards. At this point if they are not allowed to participate at a event sponsored by the Gov and State Legislator, than that is a State I would rather not support.
I know, just pointing out that in this case, the practices of the past are still the practices of 2017.

I am confident that the good folks of the Equality State will ensure the proper fix to this situation. :)