Let’s get this rolling. We have been having an early spring in this part of Saskatchewan. Got one bait out today and had issues with my winch which made me turn around or I would have had my second out. We are actually supposed to get a pretty big blizzard Thursday Friday then start warming up...
My chocolate lab Duke of course is driven by food. I’m his favourite person he is always glued to my side. He has an internal clock of when it’s food time. When it’s just me around it’s not so bad cause I never do anything on time lol. When my fiancee is around he is dialed down and starts...
I have 3 big game rifles only. A 7mm-08 I haven’t used in years, 300 win mag for deer and 338 win mag for moose elk bear. I could easily cut it down to one rifle. Probably stick with 300 mag. Im
Lucky mine shoots my fast 165 had loads and 180 factories in the same spot. So I use the 165 for deer...
Took @Nick87 advice on the Carlson choke tube. This gun patterned decent with the pattern master but this LR cremator blows it out of the water. If any geese get away it’s on me. Was aiming where the pen is jabbed through the paper
Sounds like Sask is coming out of the Stone Age when it comes to snaring. We have always just been allowed to use RAM power snares. But sounds like they will be allowing us to use senneker style snares and lights out snares. Be cool to have new options. Won’t affect me I have 50 or so rams and...
Skinned the last coyote of the year tonight. Still feels nice even tho I skinned around 30 or so this year and years back would have been 75. Strange catch on This one. Had a catch like This about 10 years ago and both times the coyote hits the end of the cable dead very little fight. Maybe even...
Few weasels I have ever caught are usually in my fisher boxes. One time while trapping rats in a cattail slough through the ice I set 120’s in front of some bait in a thick spot where was only one way to come in and out. Caught biggest weasel of my life doing that
Switched to QAD exodus last year from slick tricks. They fly exactly like field tips which made my life easy. Shot a bear and an elk last year with the same head and it’s still in good shape
They are pretty much all the same online Oregno, salt, onions, garlic, sugar. I don’t mind it being a bit chunky but my finacee runs it through the food processor. I think adding peppers to the sauce makes it next level as well. I usually do about 1 onion in a batch and 10-12 garlic. Rest is by...
338 win mag with 225 ttsx is my go to for bear, moose and elk. Shot 6 elk and five moose with that gun and not even sure how many bears. Hunt with it more then any other rifle
Working on building a beaver barrel. No more beavers getting stolen out after a day or two and no more bears shoveling all the bait on the ground to get to the beavers. Hauling 3x 50 gallon barrels in will be a bit of a pain but hopefully worth the effort
After 3-5 years the clear cuts have grown to so much they become a sanctuary that you could only kill something in if you got lucky and got them standing on the trail