Trapping Thread 2024/2025

Ok, tell us how you release a badger. Any stories about releasing mountain lions would be welcome, too.
I use a catch pole most of the time. I also have a washtub in my pickup I'll use for the smaller animals like swift fox, and red fox. Like mentioned earlier be careful with the catchpole on cats, they have pretty delicate windpipes. I've released lions. bobcats, coyotes, black bears, and wolves...swift fox are the most aggressive, and tenacious. I also have access to a Telezol(jab stick) if I think something has to be tranquilized to be safely released, or if I'm putting on a radio collar.
Traps all pulled. All in all it was an uneventful year. Not sure if I learned much this year. Peat moss freezes bad going to have to go back to wax dirt next winter. Hope everyone else has a great finish to your season.