Just made it back online yesstidday after the kids blew the puter up late this summer.Sure missed readin the happenins of everyone in the land of the pan.
Moosie....thats 1 hell of an awesome family you have there.
Good to be back where everybodies twice as strange as anywhere else.:D
Been a long time since I said hello.Been stoppin by...but busy as heck lately.
Livin in Zephyrhills Fla now....aint missin the cold frozen north country too much. :D
TNCTCB an DKO....I still got your phone numbers....gonna call 1 of these notso hectic days.
Moosie....if you ever find...
A pleasant young couple like you 2 has to learn what pride is.Life aint no bed of roses sometimes.Determination,pride and ambition are qualities that built this nation....blamin illegals for your problems isnt gonna get ya nowhere.Dont stoop so low as to rely on placing blame on...
Been to z-hills twice in the last 2 yrs...like the quiet there.Got several chances to work for hydraulic hose outfits outa Tampa....changed hoses in -25 to -30 weather....but not when its hittin the 90's. :D
Plannin on leavin within 2 weeks or so.Can you pm me your phone # please?
Thanks for...
The in-laws are in Zephyrhills an we're lookin hard to get as close to them as possible,got several job leads in the Lakeland area as well...wherever that is. :D
Sako...the no-bark collars work excellent...but like WH said get the 1 that comes witha charger.Those little 3 volt lithium batteries will put ya in the poor house.Shock collars work excellent too as you can adjust stimulation levels...but you have to be there with your finger on the button.When...
Makin it to sept will be the hardest part. :D Not real interested in killin anything big as I've done that.Killed lots of big pigs too....but they was all tame 1's headin for someones dinner table. :D I'm more interested in what my 4 kids can kill....3 of em anyway....1 aint much of a...
Good luck to ya Nut.Sometimes change is Good....or so I'm told. :D
I plan on rollin out of Maine headin to Fla the end of the month myself.The rest of the gang will be comin down in late June.Been wantin to go to a warmer climate an be near the in-laws for a while now.The work down there pays...
Moosie ya need to get a job runnin a skidder ona loggin crew.Jesus its awesome havin your choice of pristine places to shit an piss all over before ya trounce all over it with them 6 ft tires.
I've been known to try to set up a couple "land mines" for foresters. :D
Maybe this does belong in...