Yeti GOBOX Collection

Good things come to those that wait.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
No this isn't about my life "news" ... yet ;)

Anyone remember little "O" reading a book and Emailing the Author and she said he can Review her next book ? Quess what came in the mail today :)
He recieved an Email to verify :

Subject: Black Pyramid manuscript

Hi Oscar,
Did you get the manuscript yet? They’ve been sent, so I just want to make sure you’ve got yours. Don’t worry about the typos and spellings. I think my publisher sends the “unedited” version. Remember, you’re not doing a critique so you shouldn’t talk about the mistakes. You want to write a few sentences that will make them want to put what you say on the cover of my book. The best reviews are the ones where the reviewer doesn’t try to sound like an adult, but gives a sense of how the story made him feel. On my last book, one eleven year old boy said he thought he was going to have a heart attack because it was so suspenseful. You can look at some of the reviews on the backs of my books and can see what other kids wrote.
But most importantly, Oscar, you’re supposed to have fun doing this, so enjoy the story.
J. (J. FitzGerald McCurdy)


While I'm talking/Bragging about my son, All schools in this area have an AR (Accellerated reading ) Program. Kids have to read their books and take a computer nation wide test on each book. They get so many points for each book depending on how hard the book was to read and how many answers they got right. He started it in 1st grade and was top 1st grade in the School. 2nd Grade he ws top 2nd grader... in the school. As of today, He's the Top 3rd Grader, And not only that He's 50+ points ahead of the the top 5th grader and 80 points ahead of the top 4th grader.He's about 190 points ahead of the next in line 3rd grader at 321.8 points as of last week. Dang smart Mailman....must be ;)
Way to go little O!!!!! That is amazing! Let us all know what he thinks of that book.
Sounds like the smarts came from the moms side of the family.. :eek: :D:D:D :p

Way to go on your little boy doing so well... keep up the good work youngster... :)
Very Cool for little O! I'm sure that you are very proud of him, and rightly so.

Must be kinda hard for you though, I mean the kid has already accomplished more in his life than you have in 33 years!
Just have Little O explain the big words to Big O! ;)

Congrats to him. I'd be interested in reading his review.
Well, I'll Bump an Old topic. ;)

On the AR (Advanced reading) Reading program at school, Oscar Finished out the 3rd grade School year at 515 Points. The next closest was a 5th grader almost at 400 points. The next highest 3rd grader was in the 100 points.They said no one beat the 500 Mark in alot of years. This will be 3 consecitive years taking 1st place in his Grade!!! This year in the School beating out the 4th and 5th graders. Next year his goal is 800 and then 1000 in 5th grade. Cross you fingers :p He's getting an Award in front of the School next week and a Trophy and stuff. He's pretty Excited. I'm not , as you can tell ;) Yesterday he got a Certificate for P.E. so he's not only a little book worm but does some activity's too.

On the BOOK thing I talked about before that he got the manuscript from, Oscar just got an Email from the Author :


Dear Oscar,

I know you’ve been waiting for a long time for news of The Black Pyramid. Here is the latest news. On Monday (this week), the books arrived from the printer at HarperCollins warehouse. This Friday, they go out to the stores. Today, I received one book in the mail. Now, Harpers will be sending me four books. I will sign them to each reviewer and send them out. Your review is awesome. And the book is amazing. I love the cover.

(Edited out some stuff)

Joan (J. FitzGerald McCurdy)
Just goes to show that kids can turn out just matter how big of a screw-off their parent(s) are!!! :)

COngrats Little O!!
Good job for little O'!! hump Great to see a kid apply him/herself in today’s might even want to consider him doing your posting on HT so that your beloved brethren can understand your spelling :D
Oscar, that's cool as heck, I'm sure you're very proud of him, and justifiably so.
Still waiting for the Book to be sent, I'll scan the Authors signature when it does come and his little blurb. I'm actually interested in what it says myself. I have no Idea..... I still wish he used my idea, Heck I gave him 5 good Ideas to say and I didn't even read the book ... Like "I laughed so hard at one part Milk came out of my nose".. See ? I can give good reviews too :D

His Graduation was last week and he was indeed top in the School. (Kudos little "o"). I got it on Vide so I might upload when they Anounced it. It was actually pretty cool. The funniest part is they said he was the top reader, yaddy yaddy yadda.. and then they Clapped and then he got his 3rd grade plaque. But then the Honor readers were called, about 15 in the school and they got the $25 gift cards.. Holy Crap that must be alot to a kid becasue the Place went nuts.... And then there were a Couple that got throug hthe Classics in the School (Yah Littl "o" was in all of them :p but they got $50 bones for getting that far. When he was finally done walking back to his seat Walking back up walking back walking back up and Walking back.... All the kids around him were looking at the $50 bill with teh WOW, and AHHH, ...... That lasted about 2 mins until I walked over and Snached it from him :D

Ok OK , I told him I'd jsut hold it but the look he gave me when I did was priceless ;)

I used Gunners camera and Gave it back to him before I downloaded the Pics.. Maybe I'll have them in a few days or weeks and I'll post some.
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