
Will miss some of you

Way to go Fred and Doris...:D:D:D
I am really glad you guy's are getting out of the environment you were in, sounds like a great one you are moving to.
I won't say I hope all goes well because I know it will...
Specially with all the food that will be walking around your new home for awhile... :D
Wahoo! 2 or 3 months of camping in your favorite spot...right now that sounds like fun. ;) I was glad to hear the good news last night, even if I couldn't hear anything on my crappy cell phone. :rolleyes: It looks like the Nut Family dreams are starting to come true! :D
Nut, if you are a vet then you have to get with a vetrep at the OH dept of labor.

If you are a vet, especially if you have any diabilty rating you probably qualify for placement assistance or a permanent fed job. For nothing else a fed or state govt job is security.
Good luck Nut...I hope for the best for you and your family...if there is a library nearby.. they should have some free internet for ya.. let us know how its going..
Good luck to the Nut all will do just fine....God Bless
Nope I am not a vet. I bailed out when it came time for the physical to join the navy. Maybe I should have done it and been retired by now. ;)

I can honestly say that I am a bit scared. I also know that I will be very lonesome down there without the family.

I guess I have just been thinking way too much the last few days. :eek: :D
Sorry to hear of your loss Nut. :(

Take a TV and a VCR or DVD player with you. It comes in handy while in the camper at night by yourself. You can pick up an inverter to run them off your battery for about $30.
Good luck to ya Nut.Sometimes change is Good....or so I'm told. :D

I plan on rollin out of Maine headin to Fla the end of the month myself.The rest of the gang will be comin down in late June.Been wantin to go to a warmer climate an be near the in-laws for a while now.The work down there pays way more than here....and the oppertunities for the kids will increase tenfold.

Who knows....maybe get a chance to meet tnctcb an J.B. along the road somewhere. :eek: :D

Yessiree...sometimes change is good.Best of luck to you also Vipe an to the young men too.

Catch ya's on the wildside.
I wouldn't be afraid Fred, it will all be for the better all the way around I think, Well, ceptin for the family not being there right away, but soon... :)
Were all rooting for you... :D

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