PEAX Equipment

Dang Dogs keep barking


Aug 19, 2004
I recently moved into a new house and the owners asked if we would take there dogs as they had no place for them. I agreed. They are 2 great dogs. one is a Golden retreiver and the other is a mutt that I think is mostly a Collie. Like I said, great dogs but the neighborhood mailbox's are in front of our house and everytime someone comes to get there mail they bark like mad. Then for whatever reason at night they bark at times and usually by the time I wake up enough to go yell at em there done barking and they dont know why I am yelling.

Any suggestions???

I was thinking on buying a shock collar that is activated by their barking. kinda spendy but I know my neighbors would appreciate it as well. Does anyone on here have one or 2 they would like to sell? The kind with a remote would be fine as well as I might be able to train the Golden to do some birding.
well i cant say sprayign water on dogs worki know works on osme cats, i guess the shock hting could work, i havent any other ideas:) i odnt have any no no pet here
I've got a collar that gives the dog a little shock when it barks and it has worked well for me, although I don't use it very often anymore. Sometimes if I go away for a weekend and leave the dogs in the yard I will put the collars on them just to prevent them from barking at night and keeping the neighbors awake. I've got the fairly inexpensive ones but if I was to buy another I'd go with a little more deluxe model, especially one that is rechargeable, as the special batteries can be somewhat difficult to find, and they can be expensive. I went and looked at my usual online source for dog supplies, and I believe this is the one I would buy:
If you get the National Geographic Channel on TV, there is a show on there that has a guy that is amazing with dogs.
He calls himself the Dog Whisperer and if you watch his shows, you could learn how to control them, I am just awed by what he does with any and all dog personalities from the extreme large and agressive to the small over wraught anxiety ridden dogs..
He fixes them all, you may be able to look the program up on the net...
Well worth the watch for any one interested...
Yeah he real good with dogs, cute to if u into that but if ur guy well,maybe someday be woman dog helper:)
Sako...the no-bark collars work excellent...but like WH said get the 1 that comes witha charger.Those little 3 volt lithium batteries will put ya in the poor house.Shock collars work excellent too as you can adjust stimulation levels...but you have to be there with your finger on the button.When the dog gets used to the collar being around his neck an knows what it will can put it on without chargin the battery an he wont bark.
More props for the shock collar! I've used them on both of my dogs and they work like a charm! Small price to pay for a little peace and quiet. They don't do any permanent damage to the dogs either! Great investment in my book.
i was thinling a 22 cal pistiol .....but who knows, maybe a schock collar would work also.
Michael that would be an invention a lot of parents and well.... family/friends/neighbors may invest in... :eek: :D:D;d
Thanks guys and gals. I think I am going to get the bark collars and give them a try. I like to be neighborly and I think people that let their dogs bark and bark are rude an inconsiderate.

As for the .22's, if children werent involved it could have been an option but they are really very very good dogs. Very playful, just like to bark too much is all. I think I would take em to the Humaine Society before I used the .22 option.
One not of caution, keep an eye on the collars. We had one go haywire and it was constantly shocking the dog. She got this huge sore/blister/goiter thing on her neck. I felt horrible about it. If I was to do it again, I'd leave it on w/ batteries for a while then take them out once the barking started getting a little less. If it started back up, in go the batteries again. I don't like trying to break dogs of all barking, but just the incessant stuff. It's a thin line...
Caribou Gear

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