WTF, life bites here we go again

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Jan 5, 2005
Ok, well here the problem hubyb job decided to fire him, although other cnas,nurses,ect., have been caught sleepin on the job,well hubyb is white they are all illegals,so they decided to go against hubby sicne some little birdy, told on em wich when ur guard it ur job u have to, so anywho since his job so afraid of ilegals, and loosing the account,they decided to tell hubby thats why he is fired,well one thing i know hubyb wasnt asleep, we were on phone,i have the record,i have anything thats needded he has the files of reports of abuse, and all chit goin down in nursing home, so we called labor thing, um we called the health department anything u have to go do so u can live, in this world world aint gonna help ya, as u see they all turned us down, labor place said dont waste ur time, here how u say it right out, illegals run $*)Q!#@$ country,they get ur welfare,ssi,any kind money u need,unemployment to, also only thing i can do to keep the puter and rest from place, that we were paying if off to keep it, wich means we was almost done paying it off, altogether was about 4000dollars, so we loose that, and our place, and anything we have workled for get back up again, for chirst sake we fell thorugh the barrel maybe past it, in life u have go up ,with illegals,and communist, country state, whatever, u might never go up in life, so this is prob 3time we been through this, only luck i can do to help is get ssi, if im lucky,for some personal problems, doubt it illegals get it yall know that,although it would be illegal for them not pay me for this chit, as in my own prob i have , maybe thats only luck mre hubby ever have, cause ileglas, and the big money people as in lawyers who defend ilegals, who are rich dont give a chit, now sicne it all wrecked there goes our dream w elamost had,only thing that might save us is if hubby can find job very fast,cause othe rparty that gone through same chit, is aboutr eady to go soon, get away from this chit,well least own his own house and ours,that way illegals cant do a thing, nor ur money hungry fat cats politics,demos,no i aaint against illeglas cause of this i been against em ever sicne i known seen this only make sme more angrier with em but stilll i have a limit:) so we got our partys/fmaily, that can bear with us soon as we can we take job, even i may hurt myself but #*^@#* it no one gonna help, ur illegals come here man they got money from all angles coming,dont have do damn thing i wish i was fricking illegal at this point, i hate myself though for bein one but hell they have no problem in life,us true american hard working honest people, get the chit thats how it is only gonna get worse, so i say again,w eprob be ok but hell if i am gonna agree with iilegals or jose, or buzz, or president or anyone who dont give a hcit about us americans:MAD:, we might be able to keep evrything if hubby can find job fast enugh or i even i guess,have to what can i do, lawyers no one who suppose arrest or tear down or go get the criminals gonna do damn thing,anywho real hard find job these days just hope us the best and im sorry if post is hard to read or just cruel or mean but it way we feel wouldnt u? :BLEEP: :BLEEP: :eek: :cool:
Well, here's a translation for those of you who can't understand that post:

Ok, well here the problem hubby job decided to fire him, although other CNA’s, Nurses, ETC. have been caught sleeping on the job,well hubby is white they are all ilegals, so they decided to go against hubby since some little birdie, told on em which when you’re a guard, it’s your job u have to, so anyhow since his job so afraid of ilegals, and losing the account, they decided to tell hubby that’s why he is fired, well one thing I know hubby wasn’t asleep, we were on phone, I have the record have anything that’s needed he has the files of reports of abuse, and all chit going down in nursing home, so we called labor thing, um we called the health department anything u have to go do so u can live, in this world aint gonna help ya, as u see they all turned us down, labor place said don’t waste ur time, here how u say it right out, ilegals run $*)Q!#@$ country, they get on welfare, SSI, any kind money u need, unemployment too, also only thing I can do to keep the puter and rest from place, that we were paying if off to keep it, which means we was almost done paying it off, altogether was about 4000dollars, so we loose that, and our place, and anything we have worked for get back up again, for Christ sake we fell through the barrel maybe past it, in life u have go up ,with ilegals, and communist, country state, whatever, u might never go up in life, so this is prob 3time we been through this, only luck I can do to help is get SSI, if im lucky,for some personal problems, doubt it ilegals get it y’all know that,although it would be illegal for them not pay me for this chit, as in my own prob I have , maybe that’s only luck mre hubby ever have, cause ilegals, and the big money people as in lawyers who defend ilegals, who are rich don’t give a chit, now since it all wrecked there goes our dream w elamost had,only thing that might save us is if hubby can find job very fast,cause other party that gone through same chit, is about ready to go soon, get away from this chit,well least own his own house and ours,that way ilegals cant do a thing, nor ur money hungry fat cats politics,demos,no I aaint against ilegals cause of this I been against em ever since I known seen this only make me more angrier with em but still I have a limit" so we got our parties/family, that can bear with us soon as we can we take job, even I may hurt myself but #*^@#* it no one gonna help, ur ilegals come here man they got money from all angles coming,dont have do damn thing I wish I was freaking illegal at this point, I hate myself though for being one but hell they have no problem in life,us true American hard working honest people, get the chit that’s how it is only gonna get worse, so I say again,w prob be ok but hell if I am gonna agree with ilegals or Jose, or buzz, or president or anyone who don’t give a hcit about us Americans", we might be able to keep everything if hubby can find job fast enough or I even I guess,have to what can I do, lawyers no one who suppose arrest or tear down or go get the criminals gonna do damn thing,anywho real hard find job these days just hope us the best and im sorry if post is hard to read or just cruel or mean but it way we feel wouldn’t u?

Hope this helps.
The way it sounds to me, is you guys have been handed some pretty lousy hands lately.......can't get much it can only get better........keep you chins up and that die-hard try that you've shown and you'll be alright....
if you get fired you dont qualify for unemployment...........there is a penalty period of several weeks before you would recieve any money.
I think it depends on the state you live in for unemployment, cause when elky got fired he could collect unemployment in the state of Wyoming. It sounds to me like bandit could be entitled to it, if his state doesn't deny it for being fired.
I think if you quit you can't get it as that is voluntary.
I think its time to get off the computer and go find a job and a house, then go out and have a nice dinner , read a book, kinda get in touch with reality so to speak.

Bandit, I was fired on a Thursday and was collecting unemployment by Monday. Give them a call, it may not be much, but it could be something. I know what it is like. We had to live on peanuts, but that was better than nothing. It doesn't cost anything to call and inquire. Sorry to hear this and I wish the both of you the very best.
I have to wait until I get all the paperwork form my "former employer" before I can do the unemployment thing. And as for the real world there del, I think that the real world sucks. Thats why I have to create my own world LMAO. :D But seriously, they contacted me over the phone yesterday about the termination, and all morning today, I was out filling out applications. I am NOT one to give up easily. But it seems as though my luck may run out if I don't find something really soon. Damn, and to think, we would've been able to get out of this place we are in a couple more months. |oo |oo |oo
if you qut you cant get unemployment but if you are fired or laid off you can.if you need it go get it that is what its there for. if you dont need it dont take it thats what liberals are for.hope everything works out for you guys
LOL, thnaks guys umm ssi is for well best way to get it for sure and do not lie, otherwsie serious jail time, but mainly for people who are cripled,menatally, main ones to get it i apply in the section mental, i hate to admitt it but what can i say since im slow,and cant handle public job, i deffintally shall get it prob is be careful waht to say to those head docs,have go through lawyer to i ogt one lined up he won alot of cases, he very good, prob is ifit cost im screwed
anywaho hope it does go up for us we done hit through the bottom of the barrel enough times only way to go is up
A pleasant young couple like you 2 has to learn what pride is.Life aint no bed of roses sometimes.Determination,pride and ambition are qualities that built this nation....blamin illegals for your problems isnt gonna get ya nowhere.Dont stoop so low as to rely on placing blame on others,disability,family....when the goin gets tuff....get off your ass an get goin or be left in the dust.

Good luck with all lifes problems.
Quittin a job, gets you the penalty on unemployment. Fired or layed off, you get it immediatley. All you need is your check stub when you file. Tell them its a hardship, and they should expedite it.
Sometimes, you have to leave an area to get ahead. Thats how we wound up in NEW JERSEY. You have to do, what you have to do to keep from sinking. I am not suggesting moving to NEW JERSEY, but you may have to go to a bigger town, or a different town.
I hope you are not waiting for the paperwork Bandit :rolleyes: Listen...All you have to do it apply for it NOW. DO not worry about any paperwork...GO to the website and you may be able to apply online... I agree with Delw to some degree... I would stop fussing around on websites and Both of you need to get jobs.... Even if Quiets got to clean houses or something (which can be good money ;) ) If you do not like where you live then do something about it!!! Procrastination is only going to keep you down in the long run. Get rid of unnecessary expenses (maybe downgrade to Dial up and stop smoking) Concentrate on Surviving! Once you get your priorities straight you will be surprised on how things will just fall together!!!! If you really want to better you lives then you have to work on it…..If you need resumes or help, let me know…. I used to work for a company who we found work for!

Sorry but its just tuff Love!!!!

I wanted to move out of California and so I worked on getting out!!! I got Lucky having a place to stay, but had a job before I moved up here!!! Paid off Bills, and now I am doing well for myself.

Please take this as advice and not a put down….I just hate to see people suffer!
Oh i am so pissed i wrote one long as post i ogt logged out iwent off at maineiec i didnt mean to but ok i make this short than waste my time by bein logged out or by this man, no i odnt blame all this on illegals not really at all, but when u feel go through it it happens just be that all thse times we been through this,it was illegals, only one time i lost evrything wa sover a american,wich aint diff really just sucks that u go downtown her ein joliet illinois a millionaire he black his point was to see if his kind can get welafre and be millionaire , over american who poor, it racist thing here they so scared here to turn down black man no matter if it is a crime,or immagrants illegals all the same,but if ur white hehe bye bye u one get it, i hate that why pisse sme off, ok hubby lookin for job,ok he likes take care of me he knows that if i work, i wont last long at all , it messe with my health thats why i wish people would just ask instead of assume i am just like any one else i am not,thats why i said i wil lgo get ssi, i know i will win i have prob to admitt it,i have prob with goin through lawyers docs,cause scares me they htink sicne ur unnormal u can be put away #*^@#* if i am goin let that happen hubby would never alot people got mental prob it can be anything any small thing and they say u goin bye bye it all baout money #*^@#* that ,but i havebe careful, and least if i get that i know wont be fast but hell i get it eithe rway i have my own house, anything i want, otherwsie i be alone neve rmake it by myself or hubby in a way by the way it goin for us , all baout money companys people who got moeny to just be assholes and fire u no reason but hehe this boss is the dumbest he made mistake one those big people mad emistake if he were illegal i owuldnt hate em any more than his boss, sure it be liekw ell that figures well really even white people americans arent actign any better they go in with others who ocme her eyeah alot big people presidents,repubs,demos, yeah they help illegals more, ok , well does evryone have to sicne they also really screwing chit up even though it just litttle bit usa has enough probs that why i mentiond it
Girl I loved San DiegoGirl I loved San Diego. I moved there because I loved the Navy ;) and because I wanted to live off of the beach….. I absolutely loved ever part of that…. Half the city (that was not navy) are illegals. I lived there a year and had enough. I completely understand! It is why I was ready to move. It was such a daym shame. I can totally feel your pain and I do not think you are racist or anything like that. That is why I was suggesting him get unemployment so maybe you guys can move out of the area. Maybe start looking for jobs in a different area and start fresh in a place that you will be happy in. It may take sacrifices but it will be worth it in the long run!!!!
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