Ok, well here the problem hubyb job decided to fire him, although other cnas,nurses,ect., have been caught sleepin on the job,well hubyb is white they are all illegals,so they decided to go against hubby sicne some little birdy, told on em wich when ur guard it ur job u have to, so anywho since his job so afraid of ilegals, and loosing the account,they decided to tell hubby thats why he is fired,well one thing i know hubyb wasnt asleep, we were on phone,i have the record,i have anything thats needded he has the files of reports of abuse, and all chit goin down in nursing home, so we called labor thing, um we called the health department anything u have to go do so u can live, in this world world aint gonna help ya, as u see they all turned us down, labor place said dont waste ur time, here how u say it right out, illegals run $*)Q!#@$ country,they get ur welfare,ssi,any kind money u need,unemployment to, also only thing i can do to keep the puter and rest from place, that we were paying if off to keep it, wich means we was almost done paying it off, altogether was about 4000dollars, so we loose that, and our place, and anything we have workled for get back up again, for chirst sake we fell thorugh the barrel maybe past it, in life u have go up ,with illegals,and communist, country state, whatever, u might never go up in life, so this is prob 3time we been through this, only luck i can do to help is get ssi, if im lucky,for some personal problems, doubt it illegals get it yall know that,although it would be illegal for them not pay me for this chit, as in my own prob i have , maybe thats only luck mre hubby ever have, cause ileglas, and the big money people as in lawyers who defend ilegals, who are rich dont give a chit, now sicne it all wrecked there goes our dream w elamost had,only thing that might save us is if hubby can find job very fast,cause othe rparty that gone through same chit, is aboutr eady to go soon, get away from this chit,well least own his own house and ours,that way illegals cant do a thing, nor ur money hungry fat cats politics,demos,no i aaint against illeglas cause of this i been against em ever sicne i known seen this only make sme more angrier with em but stilll i have a limit
so we got our partys/fmaily, that can bear with us soon as we can we take job, even i may hurt myself but #*^@#* it no one gonna help, ur illegals come here man they got money from all angles coming,dont have do damn thing i wish i was fricking illegal at this point, i hate myself though for bein one but hell they have no problem in life,us true american hard working honest people, get the chit thats how it is only gonna get worse, so i say again,w eprob be ok but hell if i am gonna agree with iilegals or jose, or buzz, or president or anyone who dont give a hcit about us americans:MAD:, we might be able to keep evrything if hubby can find job fast enugh or i even i guess,have to what can i do, lawyers no one who suppose arrest or tear down or go get the criminals gonna do damn thing,anywho real hard find job these days just hope us the best and im sorry if post is hard to read or just cruel or mean but it way we feel wouldnt u? :BLEEP: :BLEEP: