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  1. M

    In the Maine Woods........

    just stuck a hole in a nice heavy racked Maine Buck 2 hrs ago. :D He's hurt and wants to lay down in the jack fir thickets. ;) Light rain here,got 4" of wet trackin snow.Clothes are almost dry folks,Maineiac's headin back inta the bush. :cool:
  2. M

    In the Maine Woods........

    just stuck a hole in a nice heavy racked Maine Buck 2 hrs ago. :D He's hurt and wants to lay down in the jack fir thickets. ;) Light rain here,got 4" of wet trackin snow.Clothes are almost dry folks,Maineiac's headin back inta the bush. :cool:
  3. M

    Can we talk domestic hogs here??

    Elkchaser,you are the man!! Them ibuprofen works great,specially when ya wash em down with a six-pack. ;) Moosie,is there a specific type of chicken you wanna hunt? :rolleyes: I know where thats a clearance sale on road island reds. :D I think they prolly got mad cow disease or cwd or...
  4. M

    Can we talk domestic hogs here??

    Whackin an stackin is the name of the game. :D We cut 7 1/2 hogs up,then at 3:00 a neighborhood dude cleaned out his pens.So we processed his herd and just got done at 9:00.2 300# hogs an 3 beef that will dress 300#.BTW,the Bossman is 41 and has been doin this since he was 9.I been helpin him...
  5. M

    Maines first youth day....

    This comin sat. Maine is lettin its youth have a day all there own for the first time ever.Any liscensed hunter under 16 can kill a deer,either sex.My 12 yo son is FIRED UP.Last yr he learned to let the does walk cause he didnt have a permit to shoot antlerless.This yr things are in his...
  6. M

    Can we talk domestic hogs here??

    LOL...Dont know if the owners will let ya keep the hog Tom,but we'll askum. ;) Doug,yes a guide will be provided.We have several,maybe one of the pretty gals that do the wrappin would like to do a little guidin too.I'll ask the better half when she wakes up. :cool: Moosie.....I shoulda known a...
  7. M

    Can we talk domestic hogs here??

    Cause I been whackin em an stackin em. :D Nothin like shootin em in a 8x8 pen with a .22 bolt.I shoot the bigguns(anything that'll dress over 450)with a 22 mag for safety's sake and to make it seem more like a safari. ;) Stop on by and I'll let ya shoot one,no charge. :cool:
  8. M

    wheres all the maine hunters ??

    Dont know where they is hidin bearbait.Tobey and GeorgeP are huntin together this fall.Glad to hear things are goin well for ya.Aint had much time to do anything this fall,slaughterin an meat cuttin has pretty much filled my days besides my regular job.Keep em treed. :D
  9. M

    The bears is gettin fat......

    Thanks fellers....for the condolences and the congrats.Happiness is a plate full of heart and liver. :D Oh BTW Moose,the infiltration is complete. :D :cool:
  10. M

    The bears is gettin fat......

    Evenin folks,pullt the trigger on a nice boar thursday eve at 5:30.He dressed right at 225 lbs.Last nite at 5:30 I held my Mama's hand while she took her last breath.Man,life sure has its highs and lows.Take care folks....and happy huntin to ya's all.
  11. M

    Tobey and George......

    how you guys doin?? Them hounds must be in some good shape now.Glad the weather's coolin off finally.Got some hungry bears here too. :D Only a couple bigguns tho.Lots of young bears gettin fat for the future. ;) Take care fellers,lookin forward to hookin up next mth.
  12. M

    The bears is gettin fat......

    and the time is gettin closer.Monday is openin day over bait.Fed out an awful charge of donuts,candy,fry grease,an horsegrain.I know you folks will find it hard to believe,but I dont think theys a 400# in the whole lot of em. :D And thats comin from Maines first and foremost Shitslinger. ;) Try...
  13. M


    LMAO Gato....... :D
  14. M

    Redneck Hound

    :D :D Tobey,hull them beechnuts first and it aint so hard on the teeth.LOL Elkhunter is that a wymarnier.Or something to that effect??? (sp) My teeth look like that from 3 1/2 yrs in germany with no bottle opener. ;) :cool:
  15. M

    Its here!!!!!!!

    Got 8 good baits out here George.Mostly timber co. land and a couple private lots.Never seen so many raspberries in my life,the clearcuts are loaded.Hot and muggy here today,horseflies chewed several lbs a meat clean off my sorry ass. :D Good luck and hope ya tree somethin.
  16. M

    Its here!!!!!!!

    Forgot to mention that them pups sure is lookers Gato.Good luck with em.Tobey,did Dave ever sell his trackin outfit?
  17. M

    Its here!!!!!!!

    Time to feed the bears folks.Been bustin my rump gettin barrels ready,now its time to put em in the bushes. :D Guess we aint welcome at the local carwash no more,we knocked the rust outa 16 barrels yesstiday with the carwash hose and the owner aint very happy with us.Oh well,no more quarters...
  18. M

    Hey George.....

    how many ya feedin now?Was thinkin your kennel must be full.Wont be long now man.I've seen more bears here this spring and summer than I ever remember seein,and thats been just ridin on tar roads. ;) How ya gonna handle huntin for 2 mths with a celebrity? :D :D
  19. M

    Tobey The Celebrity !!!!

    Congrats Dale.Lookin forward to gettin over your way durin trainin season for a run with ya if time allows.Still workin a ton of overtime here.Who wrote the article,was it Big Tim the doc?
  20. M

    Hay Moosie

    when you gonna get ya some hounds???? 5 outa the last 8 topics was started by you,so I guess that makes you a houndhunter.You got treedogs buddy?? :D :D :D :D :D

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