Its here!!!!!!!


Apr 16, 2001
Time to feed the bears folks.Been bustin my rump gettin barrels ready,now its time to put em in the bushes. :D Guess we aint welcome at the local carwash no more,we knocked the rust outa 16 barrels yesstiday with the carwash hose and the owner aint very happy with us.Oh well,no more quarters for him. ;) Todays menu;some peckerheads weddin cake that wasnt big enuff an a whole bunch a donuts. :D :D :D
Have fun with all those barrels
I got 7 out so far.Checking them tomorrow.Going to put out 3 more.I only have total of 6 bait hunters.Couple dog hunters here then the rest with Toby up his way.
Mainaiac,you on paper company or private?
Been twice in a row now without treeing.Hoping things break this week because its supposed to be real hot.
Got 8 good baits out here George.Mostly timber co. land and a couple private lots.Never seen so many raspberries in my life,the clearcuts are loaded.Hot and muggy here today,horseflies chewed several lbs a meat clean off my sorry ass. :D
Good luck and hope ya tree somethin.
ditto on the raspberries down here Mainiac.I have never seen so many.
You guys checked any baits yet?
I checked 5 today. Had 2 hits.It was so darn hot I am surprised I had any action at all.Only been 3 days so not too bad so far.Tried running dogs today.So hot and so many damn deer flies I was home in an hour.Dogs couldnt even rig the bugs were so bad.Whiskey must have eaten 100 of the suckers.said they tasted like Tobys cooking !!!
I got 25 out in 2 days then had to go fishing today (man did we ever slay the Perch today)Hope to have all 40 out by tomorow night.George you are going to be living and (EATING) here for about 5 weeks this fall.
Maineiac them flies must have dyed from starvation after eating on your ass LOL
David still has that tracker.But he has a new hip so he mite start using it again.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-29-2002 19:53: Message edited by: Tobey ]</font>
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