Tobey The Celebrity !!!!

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
I havent seen it but a friend told me there is a good article in Bear Hunting Magazine this month.It features a story on bear hunting with Tobey and his hounds !!! My buddy says it is a real nice article.It lists the 3 dogs that were used to tree the writers trophy bear.One of the dogs mentioned,Roxie, is one of the ones I got from Idaho that I sold (bout gave)to Tobey last year.I ended up keeping 3 of the 5 for myself and they all turned out well.A year ago right now I wasnt sure what was up with them yet.
I just bought 3 more from a guy who had to give up bear hunting.They came from my buddy in Washington state.Got them yesterday.They sure look like bear dogs in the kennel.Be anxious to see if they look as good under a bear tree!!!! 2 weeks to training !!!!
WAHHHHhhooo Another Celebrity !!!!!!!!!


Congrats Dale.Lookin forward to gettin over your way durin trainin season for a run with ya if time allows.Still workin a ton of overtime here.Who wrote the article,was it Big Tim the doc?
Congrats Tobey,
Like to see a couple good bear huntin articles printed. You bout done guidin fishermen yet?
Hay Catman
The big Bass craze has slowed down for a week or so.I got in 32 days from May 15th till July 1st.I got another 8 days booked between now and Bear season.If fish is realy brain food I am one smart SOB right now :rolleyes:
Big Tim was the auther of the story.And his lucky shirt is still not for sale (Big Sky)
Hey Tobey,
Well your wifes prolly glad to get ya out of the house and away from her Whens your bear start? Its gettin close ain't it?
Tobey, I read that article and enjoyed it very much. I was really surprised when I saw my name mentioned at the end of it. Dang! Guess I'm going to have find my own lucky shirt....I certainly could of used it this spring.
Big Sky
Tim Called and booked the last week I had left this fall for his lucky shirt.
Bear Hunt Paid him $25.00 and 10 Mag's. for that story.He said he will keep his Day Job LOL. Maybe I can cut A tail of it and send to ya LOL
Caribou Gear

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