Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Wondering how you other guys in Maine are doing baiting? It is real slow here in southern Maine.Talked to some guys in central Maine who said the same thing.
George just from listening sounds like you guys got a over abundance of berrys this yr, I imagine your baits would be slow, bears probably don't have to go anywhere to feed. That happens out here, you will find some bear that hardly travel any at all. I struck and ran same bear I think 4 times this summer, everytime I struck him was within 200 yrds of where I had before, he just feed on the same ridge all summer and water in the creek bottom. I bet with all your berrys your bears are kegged up and not moving as much as normal.
I would say you are 100% on the money Gatoman.My guess anyway.
Treed 2 yesterday.Thought 2 dogs were going backwards so us smart guys stayed with the other dogs and left these 2 to them selves for 3 hrs.Came back and they were treed with a bear.Picked them up went to the other dogs and they were treed with their bear.Never treed 2 bears and heard less of the race !!
Must have started them off bait huh? Be pretty wild you split from a strike, exspecially this time of yr, it happens some times here late may-june when there paired up humping. Kind of a funny story theres a couple old guys here in town 70+ that hunt alot together , they just had struck and turned out when one looked up on a ridge and seen 2 bears going at it...they had a couple dogs still in the box so they went up there and dumped on those 2...dogs split from that...they had 3 different races going on at the same time, they was all confused as to which race they should try to keep up with and before long they had'nt caught any of the
How many new dogs you got this yr George? Sounds like you must have made another good dog deal, sounds like your catchin. Did'nt the whitey dog that you sold to "waycool" come from that idaho deal last yr you did? IF so man that dog traveled through more states then most retired

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