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Can we talk domestic hogs here??


Apr 16, 2001
Cause I been whackin em an stackin em. :D Nothin like shootin em in a 8x8 pen with a .22 bolt.I shoot the bigguns(anything that'll dress over 450)with a 22 mag for safety's sake and to make it seem more like a safari. ;) Stop on by and I'll let ya shoot one,no charge. :cool:
What's your address and phone number?

Do we get to keep the hog or do you just want someone to shoot it for you now that you've got it in an 8x8 pen? :rolleyes:
LOL...Dont know if the owners will let ya keep the hog Tom,but we'll askum. ;) Doug,yes a guide will be provided.We have several,maybe one of the pretty gals that do the wrappin would like to do a little guidin too.I'll ask the better half when she wakes up. :cool: Moosie.....I shoulda known a porker hunt behind a high fence wouldnt be your style.The Bossman says you want chickens you gottem.He can always raid his mothers henhouse. :D :D Come on 280,your missin out on a good,bargain hunt at a very low cost.
Are you up at 3 AM to get ready for the hog hunt ?!?!?! MAN, such dedication !!!! I'm but the Grasshopper in this hunting deal, I wil learn the ways OB1 KAnobi !!!!! ;)
Whackin an stackin is the name of the game. :D We cut 7 1/2 hogs up,then at 3:00 a neighborhood dude cleaned out his pens.So we processed his herd and just got done at 9:00.2 300# hogs an 3 beef that will dress 300#.BTW,the Bossman is 41 and has been doin this since he was 9.I been helpin him since I was 14 an I'm 40 now.Moosie,you kill em we grill em:you whack em we stack em:you stab em we slab em:if you wanna pluck em we can phuck em.......whoooooops meant to say gut em. :D :D :D You get my drift. ;) Tom,leavin at 6:00 for Maines first ever Youth Day.Kids under 16 can shoot any deer.I'm so goddam tired I guess me and Junior will go sit on a power line and keep a watch.Lugged a couple couch cushions down there last week,The way the sun shines there at 8:00 am,it ought to be just right for the old man to have a little nappiebye for a few hrs.He's 12 yo now,guess he can handle things while I rest up.It aint easy to teach a 12 yo boy to gut deers.Good huntin all,take care of your selves.
Take a couple ibeprofin..That seems to prevent as bad of the aches and pains of to hard a work out. I usually take a couple before I hit the sack on one of those kind of day's and a couple more in the morning if there is still some pain...Seems to work very well....Good luck on the hunt... :D
Elkchaser,you are the man!! Them ibuprofen works great,specially when ya wash em down with a six-pack. ;) Moosie,is there a specific type of chicken you wanna hunt? :rolleyes: I know where thats a clearance sale on road island reds. :D I think they prolly got mad cow disease or cwd or something. :D :D :D
MAiniac, I'm not too picky... If the chicken can make B&C BOOK, (Or eat well ;)) I'm there :D :D

Looks like you're pretty good with a knife, you should live in my neighborhood and we'll call you Fernando :eek:
Is that B & C book the Butterball & Cluck Book? Is the trophy part of a chicken the little red thingee that hangs over their beak or the thing on top of their head ( a comb?)?

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