I like the idea. I like that IDFG is willing to try an intermediary solution instead of just going directly to controlled hunts. If this works to reduce the demand on Sawtooth tags and other high demand quota zones it will be great. If it doesn't help to prevent a sell-out in minutes then they...
Look at some of the more successful hunters on this site or others, they are in the field more than the average hunter.
For example: Look at Ryan Lampers and Brian Call's mule deer hunt last year. They killed 2 great bucks but it took them 10 days. If their hunt had only been...
Wolf tags have always been that price, IDFG has authorization to offer the tags at a discount from the legislatively set price. Same with bear tags in certain units where you can get a reduced price, mostly the wilderness units or other places they are trying to increase harvest.
This year I gained access to hunt private LLC lands with my son by sending a letter to the tax address. I included the parcel numbers and a highlighted map of the property with aerial imagery. I stated my desire to hunt the property as well as a willingness to meet with them or their local...
A lot of guys think they have seen hybrids when all they have really seen is variation in antler configuration.
I've found that bears don't typically eat the rotten carp. I try to fill a couple buckets with carp and let them sit for a few days. This is just long enough for them to really start smelling but not fall apart rotten. Then I hang them in tree branches around the bait site. The smell draws...
The application period for elk hasn't started yet. So when you say that "Elk control hunt applied for". you might want to double check that. Unless you know something I don't know.
I'm confused, is she sitting on the coach or are you? What kind of coaching is going on? I don't do emojis so you'll need to see the humor in the text itself.
In general for everybody else. The deer rut is in 9 months so if you plan on doing any hunting during that time period be very...
The article only refers to 1 bear. It's not like the north central Idaho wilderness areas are suddenly swarming with grizzlies.
There was another bear documented in the Selway Bitterroot this year. That bear, a young male, has a tracking collar and after spending the summer wandering from...
I saw the IDFG article and instantly knew that a lot of people would take it as proof of skyrocketing wolf numbers in Idaho. There really is no comparison between this new estimate and past estimates. The estimates in the past were based on radio collared wolves and direct sightings. This new...
I hear it from transplants all the time saying "I'm one of the good Californians". It makes me wonder how different and better things would be in California if all of the "good" ones had stayed there and fought to maintain some common sense in that state.
I spotted a lion on a kill from across a canyon a few years ago. The lion had eaten about 30% of the doe mule deer and I watched her bed about 100 yards away from the carcass. I made my stalk and shot her from 120 yards. I found a lion kill the next year in the same area and sat on it for a...
Along with the "old dry doe" which as has been stated seems to be 90% of all does killed; I also love the buck that was "chasing a hot doe".
It seems like nearly every whitetail buck I hear about was chasing a hot doe when it was killed or he was following a trail with his nose to the ground...
This is one reason why I prefer not to be invited to hunt with someone in their spot. I don't want to feel like there are places I can't go without that other person especially if it turns out to be an area that was already on my hit list and I would have discovered it eventually without them...
Better plan buy a french maid outfit and an apron; give one to each of the procrastinators and welcome them to camp as the designated cook and maid. They'll remember to buy tags next time.