What makes a good mule deer hunter?

Here in Colorado, Coors is now charging for tours, Trailheads are full of Ford Fiestas, and the dream is dead. Glad someone somewhere is keepin' it real. 👊
Just trying to keep "Lite" in these times of turbulence...... sorry to hear about the state of the union in CO.

Look at some of the more successful hunters on this site or others, they are in the field more than the average hunter.

For example: Look at Ryan Lampers and Brian Call's mule deer hunt last year. They killed 2 great bucks but it took them 10 days. If their hunt had only been planned for 6-7 days as is more common with the average hunter, they would have gone home empty-handed.

Time can be factor in other ways too. If your entire mule deer season comes down to a 5 day hunt, you might not have the patience to hunt the way you would with 10 days. You might move to much and spook deer that you would have seen if you had the luxury of hunting an area more slowly and thoroughly. On day 4 of a five-day hunt you might shoot a buck that you would pass on it it was day 4 of a 10-day hunt.
To a point yes, but if you hunt a well managed herd with good buck/doe ratios and a healthy overall population even those are very easy during a rut hunt. Which is precisely why it is hard to find a unit/area that fits that description, they are simply too easy to kill off with today's "print -button biology" as practiced. There are not many dumber animals than a rutty MD. And almost nobody turns down that 30" 160 buck, which within those units are dime/dozen.

Most that find it impossible because it is -where they are hunting- they simply do not exist in any realistic context.

If herds were managed for high buck/doe ratios you can pass up 180+ bucks as needing another year or two in much of good deer country . (but not all of course due to the genetic thing...)
I would agree they probably are pretty easy in the rut. In Wyoming, we don’t really get that opportunity, which is probably a good thing.
What about ability to roll the window down , and make a good shot with the vehicle vibration due to vehicle still running ? Asking for a friend 😂
When I think of the Book writing, Record holding, killers of many Record book class deer, I see one trait that makes them GREAT. An uncompromising dedication to the single minded pursuit of big mule deer at the cost of career, family and sometimes personal integrity. To me the sweet spot is someone who can balance the appreciation for the pursuit with time spent in good areas. They aren't the best equipped or in the best shape. They aren't the best looking or the most eloquent. But they have the desire and patience to figure out where big bucks are and can wait them out like a detective on a surveillance.
Patience, stamina and the ability to remain in extremely uncomfortable positions for hours.

Chasing archery mule deer in the prairies of Saskatchewan can be extremely rewarding and frustrating at the same time. Nothing like going on a two hour stalk with about 18 inches of grass cover and f*cking cactus all around only to be busted by some cattle...
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