Lesson learned.

Well hell, I am holding a mule deer tag in a different GMU. You were ready to offer info if it had been in your area. Sorry that happened to you. I guess some old school guys skipped class. Still a lot of us out there that understand what giving their word means. That is a hard pill to swallow! Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Some lessons need to be relearned every so often.

I always say, "never again will I help someone" after that kind of thing. Over time, I usually soften up and will likely relearn the same lesson again.

It really is too bad that things like this happen, but they do, for all kinds of reasons. I had a good friend one time take another person to my spot because it "saved money for me if we split the fuel costs". Really? Sell out one of the places I showed you to save $10 on fuel?

I have also received some great information over the years on places to hunt from others, I'll never share that information with anyone else, period. I'll never go back to those spots without being invited back or at least giving the person that showed me the spots a call first. Just seems like common courtesy.

I also would have confronted the person in question...for the final time I ever talked to them again.

Just a total lack of respect move and ridiculous.
This is one reason why I prefer not to be invited to hunt with someone in their spot. I don't want to feel like there are places I can't go without that other person especially if it turns out to be an area that was already on my hit list and I would have discovered it eventually without them. I have my standby honey holes but I try to hit several new areas every year and when I find a good one, I don't wan to be restricted from it because another hunter once showed me the area.

I have one friend that I keep no hunting secrets from; if I tell him about a spot I fully expect him to go in there with or without me and he does the same for me.

Everyone else who asks for help, I send to well known areas.
This sucks, I feel for you. I had it happen in a duck hunting spot this year, not as major as an elk hunting spot but it happens all the time it just makes you more careful with who you take to and share spots with. Hopefully some good carma will be coming your way.
Sadly happens everywhere...

A good friends brother in law came hunting with us one weekend for waterfowl to what WAS a great spot. I pulled into said field 2 weeks later only to find him and 6 other guys setting up. I expressed my displeasure.

To rub salt in the wound, he posted pictures online from that hunt with some very identifiable things in the landscape in the background. Needless to say you can drive by the spot on a weekend and see 2-3 different groups set up in the same field.
The circle of suck. Helping friends, acquaintances, and strangers is what makes you the better person in the circle of suck. You still have years of offerings to give and your life will be more fruitful and fulfilling providing those offerings. Dont let the dirty deeds of others harden you.
I have been on the receiving end many times. Thanks. I hunt with family and if I revealed a spot, they already knew it.

In New Mexico, there are not that many spots. People know them.

My brother drew a deer tag (he applies for deer to scout his elk tag). His hunting partner blew his motor. I am the alternate. Bought an OTC turkey tag and hope to shoot a wild pig. Probably not fire a shot, but am out of the house. Fun and love spending time with the brother.
Sucks to hear and you would think being older he would have that respect. I have numerous places that are good, and then I have my great spots. My great spots are reserved for me only no matter what, and my good spots I will bring close friends to. Now and days you just cant trust many people(that sucks to say, but its the unfortunate truth).
Mtmuley, I'm in the same general part of the state you are. I can promise you there are people out around here that respect that unwritten rule. Still sucks this person pull that, public land or not.
Some lessons need to be relearned every so often.

I always say, "never again will I help someone" after that kind of thing. Over time, I usually soften up and will likely relearn the same lesson again.

It really is too bad that things like this happen, but they do, for all kinds of reasons. I had a good friend one time take another person to my spot because it "saved money for me if we split the fuel costs". Really? Sell out one of the places I showed you to save $10 on fuel?

I have also received some great information over the years on places to hunt from others, I'll never share that information with anyone else, period. I'll never go back to those spots without being invited back or at least giving the person that showed me the spots a call first. Just seems like common courtesy.

I also would have confronted the person in question...for the final time I ever talked to them again.

Just a total lack of respect move and ridiculous.
And just which side of this learning curve are you on? I may have few points to burn 😁
I live and hunt in one of Montana's premier mule deer units. Over the years I have helped a handful of guys out that held the mule deer permit. I asked of all of these guys, just leave my elk spot alone. No problems, except for one. Today that became readily apparent. And he brought a buddy. I am DONE helping anybody as far as hunting areas. Shame on me. mtmuley

People gonna peep. It's a shame.

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