Lesson learned.

That can be a dynamic question. There are units I hunt where I've so many areas to cover that are indeed a drainage, mountain, ridge, etc etc that the whole Unit could be considered a spot. Other units I just have very specific spots that I don't stray from so the rest of the Unit is pretty much an unknown to me.

My definition of a spot is this. If I put in the boot leather, sweat and tears to find it, its a personal spot for me. Like mtmuley, I've shared many times trying recruit new hunters or with supposed friends. Like him, I asked them not to go back there without me or at least a call to see if we'd be hunting there. All agreed, but then broke that rule the 1st chance they could. Including just giving that information away to their buddies or blasting it openly across forums such as this and social media. To them the ends justify the means.

No more. I only hunt with family and a few close friends. They've helped find these places over the last 30 years and are just as tight lipped as I.

While I know hunting is regionally different, I have a great bud that lives in TX. He had a great lease in TX and one in OK. He's a pretty good dude and also generous in his friendships. He invited a buddy of his onto the lease as a guest. Long story short, my buddy found himself without a lease within a year of that hunt. Yup, you guessed it. His buddy went to the owner and outpayed my friend. While different, it amounted to the same thing. He had done alot around that lease to improve the hunting and land. Along with paying for the lease all those years. Whilie not exactly the same, I see both as just being dick moves. Your mileage may vary.
Here in IL. theres very little public, so theres a lot of knocking on doors, ect.... Ive lost two of the best places I had because of this B'S. I too only hunt with a select few. This is a sore spot for a lot of us. So if I do take someone its to go to new ground and never ever to spots that I have now!!!!! (Sorry for the rant)
Same thing but different. It used to be when I hunted spring turkey in Pa. that if your vehicle was parked in a spot everyone left you alone to hunt that bird until you either got that bird or quit hunting that spot. Nowadays if they see my truck setting somewhere, they say this must be a good spot and jump right in. I think it’s a problem no matter the state or what you’re hunting. It seems most people just take the easy road without regard for unwritten rules. Sorry, that your trust was not honored.
I can see it both ways. Yeah it sucks when you have a great spot and show someone, and then they start hunting with their buddies without you. But its all public land. Get over it. Go find a new spot. Thats half the fun. Now shed hunting, thats a whole different story....haha
I'm a brand new hunter, and I have asked more experienced hunters where good spots are without even knowing that it's not a cool thing to ask. Now I'm embarrassed, and I'll avoid that question from now on.

To me, the ask isn't so bad, if somebody wants to tell you something, it's a great way for new hunters to learn. It's the promising not to go back or take others and not respecting that that's intolerable.
That sucks man, just plain ole' sucks. Guess that's also why I prefer to hunt solo.

I enjoy making a game of it when people ask me where I shot my elk/deer/antelope/ducks etc., I never say the same place twice, always make up somewhere different. It's the only time in my life when I don't consider lying to be bad! :) If you ask me where I hunt or where I shot the animal, you can be dang sure what comes out of my mouth will be a flat out lie, unless your my immediate family.

I often wonder about this mentality when reviewing harvest statistics! If you're consistently killing in a unit, how hard is it to report your success in the wrong unit? Not that I'm saying you'd do that ;)!
Anybody want to know where a 350" bull resides?

While not same species, read MTGomers unlimited sheep thread.

That's not a where thread. It's a grab your nuts and go for it thread..
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My neighbor's kid had permission to hunt our other neighbor's timber. The kid was sharing a trail cam pic of a big buck on the property with his friends at school - their teacher overheard, swept in and offered the landowner a generous lease and the kid lost his spot within a couple weeks. Take a kid out (of) hunting, I guess? May have made for awkward parent teacher conferences. Personally, much of my enjoyment comes from finding my own spots, and while I wish that were true for everyone, it's not.
So today, I play hookey from work. Got a late start, (was gonna work but said screw it) but bumped bulls the day before, I knew they would be there somewhere. Yep, bull down at about 10:30. The HTer I have been in touch with regarding his mule deer permit was in the area. He took time out of his muley hunt to help me pack my bull. Unbelievable. He will go unnamed for now, but one Heck of a standup guy. mtmuley
So today, I play hookey from work. Got a late start, (was gonna work but said screw it) but bumped bulls the day before, I knew they would be there somewhere. Yep, bull down at about 10:30. The HTer I have been in touch with regarding his mule deer permit was in the area. He took time out of his muley hunt to help me pack my bull. Unbelievable. He will go unnamed for now, but one Heck of a standup guy. mtmuley
So now you're still not the A-hole, congrats.
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