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This in my inbox from Idaho F&G today. Important Elk Tag rule change for Residents in 2020


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
Snorth Idaho
This totally sucks. Idk how they snuck this by, as I just heard about it last week.

I think it even applies to cow tag applications. I guess we're gonna find out who really wants a Diamond Creek or Sawtooth tag.
Personally, I won't forgo a bull application.

The article makes it sound like it will apply to NR in 2021, which if it does, is complete bullshit.

Opportunity slipping away right in front of our eyes.
I personally would rather see those hard to get quota tags go controlled with the current tag numbers. That would make a significant difference in controlled hunt draw odds
I support the idea, which they discussed a few times over the last year, but agree...just adding the high demand tags to the CH draw would be better.
I’m a fan. I like the idea of having to pick. Do you want to chance the draw for a great tag or get a decent tag?

Or go totally limited.
Kind of sucks that you couldn't apply for a regular cow tag and pickup a quota'd tag before the 5 day period.
I like the idea. I like that IDFG is willing to try an intermediary solution instead of just going directly to controlled hunts. If this works to reduce the demand on Sawtooth tags and other high demand quota zones it will be great. If it doesn't help to prevent a sell-out in minutes then they can still move towards converting into a controlled hunt in coming years.

If this does work it could potentially increase drawing odds for those who decide to apply for controlled tags and reduce the first day demand for quota OTC zones.

I'm willing to see how this plays out.
This totally sucks. Idk how they snuck this by, as I just heard about it last week.

It does suck. The Idaho Fish and Game do what they want. Been that way for a long time. When the commission gets shot down by the sportsman, they will sneak it in a different way and say it was what everyone wanted. I, for one, am tired of the throw a dart and try this for a while method of management. And remember, they pull this right after they slaughter a herd of elk to keep them out of farmers fields (Called it Depredation). They need to get to some real game management. IMO.
I actually like the idea. Only reason people don’t want it, because they want to double dip per-say.... Make a choice, kinda what life is about, making choices. I go general in none capped units by the way, could care less. They should do some limiting on 2 point deer units also instead of them being part of the general season.
I'm a fan, my wife is not.
I apply for the once in a lifetime tags so I can't apply for big game tags. My wife in past years has applied for bull elk tags and we pick up a sawtooth as a back up plan. I see and feel it both ways but I think this is a fair approach. I do wonder if this will ripple into the OIL tags.
I'm a fan, my wife is not.
I apply for the once in a lifetime tags so I can't apply for big game tags. My wife in past years has applied for bull elk tags and we pick up a sawtooth as a back up plan. I see and feel it both ways but I think this is a fair approach. I do wonder if this will ripple into the OIL tags.

This subject is a lot like politics and religion, there is no one answer that everyone likes. There are good points on both sides, and real feelings involved with those points of view. With the cost of out of state hunting, it is difficult for people to hunt elsewhere if they don't draw a tag at home. And some haven't draw for several years. Tough subject for sure...
I'm back and forth on this.

It's probably good, if you really really want a Sawtooth tag (not sure why) now's your chance to prioritize. Although
I would prefer they just make the Sawtooths a draw. I'd also prefer that it not apply to anterless applications.

Personally I would never give up a bull application for a Diamond Creek or a Sawtooth tag.
I like it. It makes hunters choose what is most important to them, which leaves "option #1" for each respective hunter a better possibility.

Making everything draw robs opportunity and I think a middle ground like this is more ideal than turning into Utah and making more and more hunts draw only.

It eliminates double dipping. The draw will get slightly better for those most interested in that, and the ability to get capped hunts will be easier for those most interested in that. Win/win.
I think we all knew something like this was coming with how crazy the purchase dates have been the past couple years. Gotta come up with innovative solutions when demand far exceeds supply.
I like it. You really want that capped tag or not? The nonresidents moving to Idaho are really whittling draw odds. The OTC cow tags are bad for draw odds too.