
i think many of them do have a revered status. certainly that isn't 100% bad. but it is far from 100% good.

the ability of these people and others to daily insert their opinion into the hands of those that hang on their every word on a minute by minute basis...

i think we all know that hasn't been doing much good for our country and the world.
You may be right, maybe they still are "revered" but the influence isn't the same.
You may be right, maybe they still are "revered" but the influence isn't the same.

I mean take Rogan for example. The man's podcast has become the not so underground conduit of truth on all things controversial anymore. In every circle of guys across the country during a discussion on nearly any topic someone is likely to chime in and say "well yeah but Joe Rogan had a guy/gal on his podcast that said X or Y about this topic" and to that person the matter is now settled cause they heard a controversial take on a podcast regarding a subject that is absolutely still subject to much debate.

The other prong to the issue is that everyone has cultivated their incoming stream of info with their chosen revered folks and have access to their opinions at a pace and scale never before seen in human history. And further, there is no weeding out anymore to get your opinion to the masses - all it takes is being a hot girl on the bachelor to suddenly have a massive following of likely young and impressionable people.
I mean take Rogan for example. The man's podcast has become the not so underground conduit of truth on all things controversial anymore. In every circle of guys across the country during a discussion on nearly any topic someone is likely to chime in and say "well yeah but Joe Rogan had a guy/gal on his podcast that said X or Y about this topic" and to that person the matter is now settled cause they heard a controversial take on a podcast regarding a subject that is absolutely still subject to much debate.

The other prong to the issue is that everyone has cultivated their incoming stream of info with their chosen revered folks and have access to their opinions at a pace and scale never before seen in human history. And further, there is no weeding out anymore to get your opinion to the masses - all it takes is being a hot girl on the bachelor to suddenly have a massive following of likely young and impressionable people.
I too am miffed by how readily people accept information from questionable sources these days. No one seems inquisitive or skeptical enough to attempt to verify whatever chit they’ve heard. Or, they just seek out information solely to verify or validate what they just heard and want to be true. Critical thinking is dead.
Shouldn't opinions be informed though? What is the basis for your opinion? What facts and experiences do you have that back that up?

You say that you can't beat the US for hunting. Why can you say that? Have you hunted in other countries before? Were those experiences worse than here in the USA?
I didn't know opinions had requirements.

Name somewhere with more hunting opportunities for different species, climates, landscapes, etc.
I too am miffed by how readily people accept information from questionable sources these days. No one seems inquisitive or skeptical enough to attempt to verify whatever chit they’ve heard. Or, they just seek out information solely to verify or validate what they just heard and want to be true. Critical thinking is dead.

I'll fully admit I've gone down some not so healthy rabbit holes of new mindsets due to stuff I've listened to on podcasts or elsewhere. I've definitely backtracked on a lot of those lines of thinkings but on the bright side it's entirely broadened my line of thinking and on some levels i think i've come out of intellectually healthier. I do think the Joe Rogan podcast is very entertaining and interesting. But it took some time for me to realize though that some of his guests have minority opinions for a reason - in that it's simply just not a well founded opinion. That doesn't mean they are all wrong all the time or that there shouldn't be different takes.

It's just that the new age - or perhaps not new age, rather, more mainstream - belief that everything is a conspiracy and that the fringe theories are the only truth anymore is 100% not the way forward. It's an attractive psychological gravity well line of thinking for the human mind for real reasons but at such a mass scale it's not good.

Too many folks just can't accept that reality that a person can, in fact, go on a podcast (or stand on the presidential podium) and spend an hour or two saying things that are wholly or partly untrue and, perhaps, even maliciously, if not innocuously.
In life's lottery, you got lucky where you were born.
Yes, we did, but so did a good number of others. I'm too old to contemplate moving, but a short list of countries that I would have been fine with having born there...

New Zealand

Those might be the order of preference.

There are not many places in the good old USA that I have any desire to call home. Most places are too crowded, for my taste. To have really won the birth lottery, I would have preferred to have come along sooner.
I'll fully admit I've gone down some not so healthy rabbit holes of new mindsets due to stuff I've listened to on podcasts or elsewhere. I've definitely backtracked on a lot of those lines of thinkings but on the bright side it's entirely broadened my line of thinking and on some levels i think i've come out of intellectually healthier. I do think the Joe Rogan podcast is very entertaining and interesting. But it took some time for me to realize though that some of his guests have minority opinions for a reason - in that it's simply just not a well founded opinion. That doesn't mean they are all wrong all the time or that there shouldn't be different takes.

It's just that the new age - or perhaps not new age, rather, more mainstream - belief that everything is a conspiracy and that the fringe theories are the only truth anymore is 100% not the way forward. It's an attractive psychological gravity well line of thinking for the human mind for real reasons but at such a mass scale it's not good.

Too many folks just can't accept that reality that a person can, in fact, go on a podcast and spend an hour or two saying things that are wholly or partly untrue and, perhaps, even maliciously, if not innocuously.
Life and the world got complicated far faster than most humans have adapted. Ergo, there's a sucker born every minute, and a huckster waiting to take their $ vote future..
Funny thing about the claim we are the greatest in the world....the definition can vary, but it takes vigilance to keep it there, awareness of people and ideas that tear it down, and desire to defend what makes it great.

The claim rings especially hollow when it comes from people who do nothing or are actively involved in tearing it down.
Yes, we did, but so did a good number of others. I'm too old to contemplate moving, but a short list of countries that I would have been fine with having born there...

New Zealand

Those might be the order of preference.

There are not many places in the good old USA that I have any desire to call home. Most places are too crowded, for my taste. To have really won the birth lottery, I would have preferred to have come along sooner.
Canada would be the only other country on your list I would consider. New Zealand is nice from what I hear (father has been there many times) but Island life would likely get old over time.

Being born sooner is something I would agree with.
I didn't know opinions had requirements.

Name somewhere with more hunting opportunities for different species, climates, landscapes, etc.
I'm not well enough informed to 100% claim "more hunting opportunities". It is also a subjective way to look at it rather than objective or factual.

Subjectively, I could say that a place like Canada matches up to the US in hunting opportunities. A lot of the same species that can be hunted here are also hunted there. The process of a resident owning hunting equipment and getting a license is also very similar and easy based on what we have seen and experienced from @Sask hunter and @SaskHunter along with many others. However, that isn't a very objective claim.

If I wanted to be objective, I could easily point out that New Zealand crushes the US in "more hunting opportunities". I can make this statement (its not opinion) because of the fact that in New Zealand, any person (not just residents) can take wildlife without seasons or permits.
I too am miffed by how readily people accept information from questionable sources these days. No one seems inquisitive or skeptical enough to attempt to verify whatever chit they’ve heard. Or, they just seek out information solely to verify or validate what they just heard and want to be true. Critical thinking is dead.
Were in a world of people getting information from a reel on one of their socials. I literally watch this happen in real time every evening. My in-laws currently live with me and most my evenings revolve around me saying "that's not accurate, you can't believe what you watch on a reel" as I work on a house project or play with my son. It makes me want to throw their phones in the pit Frodo threw the ring.
Turn off the devices people and separate from the things you have no control over! If WW3 starts you won't need your phone to tell you.
I'm not well enough informed to 100% claim "more hunting opportunities". It is also a subjective way to look at it rather than objective or factual.

Subjectively, I could say that a place like Canada matches up to the US in hunting opportunities. A lot of the same species that can be hunted here are also hunted there. The process of a resident owning hunting equipment and getting a license is also very similar and easy based on what we have seen and experienced from @Sask hunter and @SaskHunter along with many others. However, that isn't a very objective claim.

If I wanted to be objective, I could easily point out that New Zealand crushes the US in "more hunting opportunities". I can make this statement (its not opinion) because of the fact that in New Zealand, any person (not just residents) can take wildlife without seasons or permits.

No permits? You might need to review that "statement".

Canada is similar in opportunities. Both the US and Canada have species and opportunities the other doesn't have. Canada's strict gun laws make a little less welcoming.
I too am miffed by how readily people accept information from questionable sources these days. No one seems inquisitive or skeptical enough to attempt to verify whatever chit they’ve heard. Or, they just seek out information solely to verify or validate what they just heard and want to be true. Critical thinking is dead.
I heard someone say that the stupidity of MAGA is not a flaw, it's a feature. I thought that summed it up pretty well.
Were in a world of people getting information from a reel on one of their socials. I literally watch this happen in real time every evening. My in-laws currently live with me and most my evenings revolve around me saying "that's not accurate, you can't believe what you watch on a reel" as I work on a house project or play with my son. It makes me want to throw their phones in the pit Frodo threw the ring.
Turn off the devices people and separate from the things you have no control over! If WW3 starts you won't need your phone to tell you.

it's a world where two people point at each other and confidently proclaim "that's misinformation and untrue"

no one considers the possibility that both are right.

No permits? You might need to review that "statement".

Canada is similar in opportunities. Both the US and Canada have species and opportunities the other doesn't have. Canada's strict gun laws make a little less welcoming.
I stand corrected, I should say "free permit when hunting public land"
My in-laws currently live with me
You poor poor son of a bitch.
makes me want to throw their phones in the pit
My grandpa is the same way. Guy watches short YT clips all day now. The shit he tells me is happening in the world is some of the dumbest shit you've ever heard and don't even try to tell him that's not real. How many other people are the same way? I'd guess a lot.
Yes, we did, but so did a good number of others. I'm too old to contemplate moving, but a short list of countries that I would have been fine with having born there...

New Zealand

Those might be the order of preference.

There are not many places in the good old USA that I have any desire to call home. Most places are too crowded, for my taste. To have really won the birth lottery, I would have preferred to have come along sooner.
I hear Ireland is suddenly freeing up space . . .
You poor poor son of a bitch.

My grandpa is the same way. Guy watches short YT clips all day now. The shit he tells me is happening in the world is some of the dumbest shit you've ever heard and don't even try to tell him that's not real. How many other people are the same way? I'd guess a lot.
I bet it's a lot for sure.
And until David is old enough to start school, we kinda have no choice. No child care close by. I appreciate them helping tremendously, but I'm ready for school to start.
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