This sums it up to me. You put so much effort into this hunt and understood the animal you were hunting so well that you could end it whenever you wanted. Great job making the most (and then some) of your tag and the experience you could get out of it. Your ram was well earned and is a...
I believe the license states that you must immediately notch your tag then immediately following notching of the tag, you must update the hunttalk thread....
Very scary and glad you're OK. Makes me very aware of some of the stupid things I've done in the past putting up stands. We've been in the process of replacing our hangers with ladder stands and have mostly completed this task (largely because it's safer/easier to get in/out of the stand)...
I was going to call it quits, but I couldn't make myself do it. I'll continue putting in and hope that things go in my favor some day. Would love to hunt moose there some day and only way it'll happen is if I keep trying.
I haven't read all the responses, but I was thinking about potential changes some more. Another way to help increase draw odds for folks and/or reduce pressure would be to use a similar idea that Idaho uses....only allow people to apply for one of the big species. Can't apply for big species...
WY archery elk! Time to burn my points.
Aside from that, archery and shotgun deer in Minnesota.
I always put in for moose in a few states as well. Low odds of getting a tag, but it would make for an interesting/scary time explaining to my wife why I'm taking two trips out west....
I recently bought my 5 year old a pair of Vortex Diamondback HD compact binos. I got him the 8x32. I’m very impressed with them for the price. Very small and lightweight. Makes me want to get another pair for myself.
We’ll be trying to use my dad’s points up in the next few years before he gets too old to go. Thinking the following, but I’m always changing my mind and also depends on the draws:
2022..CO elk..14 points going into 2022..struck out this year on the tag
2023..nothing set yet but tossing...