PEAX Equipment

Should be a fun few years


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2016
Dad and will have 2 points for the MT big game combo next year, then 4 points for deer, elk, and antelope in WY the following year (2023), then 4 points for deer and elk in CO after that (2024). We'll be shooting for general tags in WY (can probably get both deer and elk with 4 points, no idea about antelope), not sure about CO yet. Then circle back to MT again 😁 It's nice to look forward and see some plans falling into place.

What are y'all looking forward to in the next few years?
I’m sitting on 2-4 points for elk, deer and antelope in both CO and WY. I recently told my wife I’m doing some kind of trip next year wether she likes it or not. I even bought a new rifle and waited to bravely tell her about it a week later. 😅

I’m really leaning towards a WY antelope hunt next year.
i should be drawing a general elk tag in wyoming next year. that both excites me and causes me great anxiety.

a lotta cash and some time building points to come home empty handed... i've never held an NR elk license.
i should be drawing a general elk tag in wyoming next year. that both excites me and causes me great anxiety.

a lotta cash and some time building points to come home empty handed... i've never held an NR elk license.
I've been there and had those feelings.
I've been successful on out of state trips, and not successful too.
You just have to relax and enjoy the ride.
It works out.
What are y'all looking forward to in the next few years?
Since there is a potential move like I discussed with you recently it might hurt my vacation time after getting a new job. That being said there is gonna be a lot of local hunting in the area I end up moving to and unlimited sheep in Montana till I kill one. My youngest brother ( 15 years younger than me ) will be turning 18 in a couple years and we are planning a brothers elk hunting trip as well. There are 4 of us. That should be fun.
We’ll be trying to use my dad’s points up in the next few years before he gets too old to go. Thinking the following, but I’m always changing my mind and also depends on the draws:

2022..CO elk..14 points going into 2022..struck out this year on the tag

2023..nothing set yet but tossing around the idea of trying to get Dad a cow moose tag in CO..he would be at 3+0 points

2024..CO 2nd season deer..2024 year has the best dates to not interfere with hunting at home since I don’t expect getting permission to hunt 2 weeks straight..11 points going into 2022

2025..WY antelope..11 points going into 2022

I’m hoping to bring my oldest son along in 2025 and maybe even 2024. He’s currently 5.

Dad prefers hunting at home and is least excited about mule deer, so we’ll see if we actually do that hunt.

Every year I’ll be hunting shotgun whitetails at home during the rut and also during archery season. Love hunting whitetails during the rut.

All of this with the Good Lord willing of course.
I don't think I'd count on 4 points getting general elk in 2023 in Wyoming. You very well might, but I'd definitely have a backup plan. Good luck, you have a lot of fun in your future.
I was wondering about that too. I'm not opposed to using those points to draw a type 4 cow tag myself but I'm really hoping to be able to get dad the general tag. Looks like <4 points was still enough to get it this year, but a lot can change in a couple years.


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