CPW seeks public feedback on big game hunting license distribution


Dec 23, 2000
DENVER – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is considering changes to policies and regulations that could potentially impact how big game hunting licenses are distributed in the state. CPW is currently seeking public input from resident and nonresident big game hunters and stakeholders through an online comment form, followed by a survey and public meetings next year. The feedback will help the Parks and Wildlife Commission and the agency determine if the current policies need to be revised.

Public interested in big game hunting can provide feedback now via an online 10-question Big Game Hunting License Distribution Public Comment Form. Your feedback will help identify the highest priority topics for review by CPW over the next year. Feedback must be submitted by Nov. 22, 2021.

The big game license distribution topics being considered are resident and nonresident elk and deer license allocation, preference points, weighted points and over-the-counter (OTC) elk licenses.

To inform the review of license distribution topics, CPW is offering multiple opportunities for the public to get involved. The timeline for this process is now through the fall of 2022. For more information, read the CPW Big Game Hunting License Distribution FAQs or subscribe to our Hunting eNews for the latest hunting information.

  • February and April 2022 – CPW is conducting a survey of hunters to assess their perspectives about the topics listed above and holding focus groups to help inform the development of alternative strategies. The Big Game Attitude Survey will be mailed to randomly selected resident and nonresident hunters who will also have the opportunity to participate online if they prefer.
  • May and June 2022 – CPW is hosting stakeholder workshops and public meetings to provide opportunities to review and discuss possible alternative strategies.
  • September and November 2022 – The Parks and Wildlife Commission will consider proposed policy and regulatory changes with opportunities for further public comment.
did the survey and told them i'd be interested in taking part in a focus group.

my biggest fear in all this is that the public outcry to kill weighted points for MSG will be really loud; i think they're awesome. while i'm sitting here wanting PPs to go away on deer/elk/antelope and perhaps look more like the weighted draw.

i really hope we can get some allocation changes and find some solutions to the PP issues. while i'd like to look at limiting OTC to some degree the other two issues are bigger to me.
i myself would not have heartburn if PPs were just eliminated and it all went random, but keep the weighted points system for MSG.

maybe the best alternative to not totally screw over point accruers would be to apply a weighted system to deer/elk/antelope and then convert everybody's points to weighted points. no loss of points, but it softens the point creep problem by giving everyone at every level a shot of getting a tag in the higher point units, with favor pointing towards high point holders.

or we go the wyoming route and set aside a smaller random draw for all the tags so everyone can have a hope of winning if the PP game + creep is hopeless for them. as we are seeing in wyoming though, that doesn't eliminate the point creep problem.

bottom line though, the PP system is broken in desirable units and even semi desirable units may get to that point someday. it has to be adjusted somehow and something needs to be changed. even high point holders may die old hoping to draw a good tag.
My vote as a non-resident is change the allocation, put it more in line with WY and MT (less NR tags). Fully limited for all elk tags. Change the pref point system for deer/elk/pronghorn into the sheep/goat/moose system of weighted bonus.

I love hunting CO but I would rather hunt it every 3rd year with reduced pressure, rather than the current mess. In some units it's getting to be a safety issue.
My vote as a non-resident is change the allocation, put it more in line with WY and MT (less NR tags). Fully limited for all elk tags. Change the pref point system for deer/elk/pronghorn into the sheep/goat/moose system of weighted bonus.

I love hunting CO but I would rather hunt it every 3rd year with reduced pressure, rather than the current mess. In some units it's getting to be a safety issue.
Amen. Preach brother!
I've always wanted to see out of state licenses at parity with instate in price but reduced in allocation. What good does it do hunters to only allow in the upper middle class. They fill the coffers of CPW is all.

Preference points are nuts.

Tiny little seasons are also bogus. PLO stretches every day for 5 months for elk.
I’ll be the contrarian and say I hate the idea of eliminating otc tags. As someone that can’t travel to hunt, the ability to annually pick up an otc tag guarantees the ability to hunt. Yes there is a sea of orange, but at least I’m out there with a tag. Usually the amount of people drops drastically come Monday and you can find some space.
DENVER – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is considering changes to policies and regulations that could potentially impact how big game hunting licenses are distributed in the state. CPW is currently seeking public input from resident and nonresident big game hunters and stakeholders through an online comment form, followed by a survey and public meetings next year. The feedback will help the Parks and Wildlife Commission and the agency determine if the current policies need to be revised.

Public interested in big game hunting can provide feedback now via an online 10-question Big Game Hunting License Distribution Public Comment Form. Your feedback will help identify the highest priority topics for review by CPW over the next year. Feedback must be submitted by Nov. 22, 2021.

The big game license distribution topics being considered are resident and nonresident elk and deer license allocation, preference points, weighted points and over-the-counter (OTC) elk licenses.

To inform the review of license distribution topics, CPW is offering multiple opportunities for the public to get involved. The timeline for this process is now through the fall of 2022. For more information, read the CPW Big Game Hunting License Distribution FAQs or subscribe to our Hunting eNews for the latest hunting information.

  • February and April 2022 – CPW is conducting a survey of hunters to assess their perspectives about the topics listed above and holding focus groups to help inform the development of alternative strategies. The Big Game Attitude Survey will be mailed to randomly selected resident and nonresident hunters who will also have the opportunity to participate online if they prefer.
  • May and June 2022 – CPW is hosting stakeholder workshops and public meetings to provide opportunities to review and discuss possible alternative strategies.
  • September and November 2022 – The Parks and Wildlife Commission will consider proposed policy and regulatory changes with opportunities for further public comment.
Thanks for posting this, Oak.
Do away with OTC elk (at least for NR’s), make all buck/bull tags use points - or Do away with tag returns/point restoration except in very limited circumstances.

Perhaps set tag levels in current OTC units at 80% of the last three year average # of hunters - that would still offer huge opportunity for lots of people. Of course, if they really wanted to know what’s what they would make harvest/days in field reports 100% mandatory.

Perhaps go as far as limit NR’s to one big game tag per year. Only thing for certain is someone is going to feel like they got 💩 on with any changes.

Or maybe…pay some internet influencers to show how nutty it can be to hunt in the elkless pumpkin patch for week?
I’ll be the contrarian and say I hate the idea of eliminating otc tags. As someone that can’t travel to hunt, the ability to annually pick up an otc tag guarantees the ability to hunt. Yes there is a sea of orange, but at least I’m out there with a tag. Usually the amount of people drops drastically come Monday and you can find some space.
So your inability to travel makes you incapable of applying for a tag?