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MT Ram

Absolutely Amazing!! What an awesome tale of dedication. Way to go @Greenhorn. Thank you so much for bringing us along on your journey. That is an incredibly beautiful animal and couldn’t have been taken by a more deserving hunter.
I decided yesterday my hunt was over - but also wanted a beautiful Spanish Peaks ram for my wall and had a few days left. It’s not the Boorman ram - but I am so happy. I’m hoping my plug can be MT88.

This sums it up to me. You put so much effort into this hunt and understood the animal you were hunting so well that you could end it whenever you wanted. Great job making the most (and then some) of your tag and the experience you could get out of it. Your ram was well earned and is a magnificent animal. Congratulations, and thank you for taking us along on the journey!
Can't say how jacked I was to hear you got your ram Kurt.
Back in May the two of us became friends thanks to the luck of the draw. Though I didn't get a chance to scout with Greenhorn, or him with me, we literally communicated on an almost daily basis through to the end. Sharing our adventures and comparing notes on everything sheep.
I knew this guy had grit but his sheep hunt took on a whole new showcase of determination, dedication, and upper echelon hard core.
I joined him to scout just once earlier this week. We saw one quality ram but Kurt passed ...he still had one sheep on his mind. With time running out he held on. Then THE sheep was killed by another hunter. The Dude showed unbelievable grace...but I know it tore his guts out. It tore my guts out. He earned a crack at that ram and was denied an opportunity after 6 months ...by just minutes.
Such is hunting.
After all that...Greenhorn goes out the next day and kills a fine ram. How is that for fortitude?
I'm pretty certain Kurt will be hunting the mountains hard at 82...carrying the torch for those before and those to come.
Good job Man! So happy for you.
Not much can be said that hasn't been already. Congrats Kurt, thanks for sharing it with us.
This has been one of the best threads I have followed. That ram has one of the most beautiful capes I have seen. Though, I don't know if you should ever be forgiven for not doing a full body mount on that beauty. I feel like reporting you to admin for such indiscretions.
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