2022 Hunting Plans


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Well it is this time of the year that I actually begin plans on next years hunting and fishing. My hope is I don't get so cold and wet like I did when I got my buck antelope. Feeling near hypothermic is no fun I am telling you. Anyways, some of these will be solo hunts but I hope to find a regular hunting partner to accompany me on some especially now that I am over 65 and getting more and more physical and health limitations. Except as indicated, all trips are in Wyoming where I know the area pretty much.

Elk - thinking about hunting same area I did year before last. We saw elk, just could not get close plus I had a death in the family that cut that trip short

Moose - putting in for it but don't think I will draw yet on 3 points

Buffalo - putting in for once in lifetime hunt

Deer - this will be in Nebraska - going for the twofers they offer. I have not decided on whitetail river hunts or private land mulies. I definitely prefer mulies and I have shot both. I am going to try for a hunt on or near irrigated corn as those have always been the tastiest venison.

Antelope - I have not decided which area yet. After this years hunt, I need to evaluate things a bit. Both of my prime areas sufferred severe winter kills and bouts with EHD.

Praying that I don't experience as many conflicts or issues with hunting as I did this year LOL.

Ferral Hogs - this will be on family land in one or more of the following states: Florida, Texas or Arkansas

Bird hunting: turkey again if my scouting turns up a reliable place to do it. Then grouse and pheasant.

Small game hunting, mainly rabit and coyotes.

Fishing - special trips for the bigger trout
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I'm not ready yet! Lol
Still have tags to fill, but since we are on year 2 as residents and all the options that gives we are learning and adjusting.

I will hopefully be retired or at least working 3 day weeks.

More fishing in the spring, especially with the flyrod. We seemed to go from winter to summer this year and suddenly it ramped down.

Actually go to miracle mile rather than "we should go sometime"

Antelope this year we tried a new area, we will double down, it was great

Elk, we will party tag apply, this year we didn't, wife drew cow tag I had to settle for general which is hard, but worse having to choose who gets to hunt

Overall, have faith and don't rush through antelope tags, we love elk meat and normally donate a lope, this year we have 4 antelope in the freezer and we just started elk rifle
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My plan is simple. Spend as much time as I can at our cabin. Or at least out on some trail in the bush. Hunting moose antlers, fishing for salmon, want to set up a black bear station for spring bear. Moose season starts Aug 20 until Sept 25. Will be hunting moose, bear, wolf.
Freezing n snowing here so will be able to get out n trap a bit.
Then there is foraging or hunting for fiddle heads to chaga.
Hey I plan on talking our grandson out as much as possible. Take one make one. He's just turned 5. Now if I could get his mama to let him head with me I could find something to hunt.
Take one make one folks
WY archery elk! Time to burn my points.

Aside from that, archery and shotgun deer in Minnesota.

I always put in for moose in a few states as well. Low odds of getting a tag, but it would make for an interesting/scary time explaining to my wife why I'm taking two trips out west....
Draw WY or AZ archery elk tag, kill 350 bull

Draw ID moose tag; shoot 45 inch wide bull

ID elk; shoot raghorn near the road

ID deer; shoot 160ish whitetail before it gets cold and snowy

ID Turkey; shoot two toms with minimal effort and help wife get two also
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Only out of state plan is to put in a hail mary application in NM. Otherwise I'll buy points in WY and start planning our mule deer hunt for 2023. In state, I'll be turkey hunting as usual and am trying to get a group to go do an early muzzleloader hunt in our mountains.
Like Bob-WY, it will be my 2nd year as a resident. I'll try for several Antelope tags, since I now know how great they taste.
Might put my wife in the draw for deer and/or antelope, she has never killed either (she is from AK).
I hope to get back into bow hunting 2022, haven't done it for 3 years, since I was in the Army.
I'll apply for tags for Sheep, Moose, Bear, Elk, Deer, and Antelope. If I don't draw for deer or elk, I can just buy a GEN tag, and at least
get out in the hills-I grew up back East as a Whitetail hunter, so all these new game animals have me feeling like a kid in a candy store!
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Like Bob-WY, it will be my 2nd year as a resident. I'll try for several Antelope tags, since I know now how great they taste.
Might put my wife in the draw for deer and/or antelope, she has never killed either (she is from AK).
I hope to get back into bow hunting 2022, haven't done it for 3 years, since I was in the Army.
I'll apply for tags for Sheep, Moose, Bear, Elk, Deer, and Antelope. If I don't draw for deer or elk, I can just buy a GEN tag, and at least
get out in the hills-I grew up back East as a Whitetail hunter, so all these new game animals have me feeling like a kid in a candy store!
I had whitetail before. My preference on deer is mulies. But I know there are states where a NR can get multiple tags to fill the freezer with. If my budget improves I might do some of that.
I am two months away from residency so this fall has been used for learning some areas, exploring, watching what local hunters are doing, and scouting. It has actually been quite beneficial not having a weapon in hand because it has forced me to just watch, listen and learn. It has also afforded me the opportunity to figure out the little things like clothing, what my truck will need, camping gear etc. When 2022 rolls around, I will be in pretty good shape and can focus most of my time and actually hunting.

Fishing has been a learning process because my focus has gone from mostly spin fishing and some flyfishing to all flyfishing. I did very little nymph fishing where I used to live. I did a ton of it this summer. Next season will be spent on expanding my horizons and going to places outside of my immediate area. Creek fishing has been my favorite, but I am still looking for my first trout over twenty inches, so I will spend lots of time on the big rivers.

Interesting thing about watching hunters. I have not gone far into the backcountry yet. Three miles is the longest. I am finding that, at least at the local access areas, most people do not go in more than a 1000 feet. I was expecting the mountains to be littered with hunter orange but so far its not the case. We went in yesterday about 45 minutes before legal light. I could not believe we were the only ones there. Then as we started up the hill we began to see the lot fill up. Six more cars. We crested the hill and followed the trail around a bend and decided to sit above a large drainage for a bit and glass. Imagine my surprise when nobody passed by us. It was the only way to go if you were going to hike in. Looking down into the fields, which was all private, looked like a party. We could see lights littering the border areas. We decided to move further in, another mile or so, and never saw a person. No gun shots neither. We hiked out around noon. We saw two deer, lots of moose sign and some game trails. All the vehicles were gone. It gives me hope that I will have some luck next year :)
Well, we spent $1K for a cow tag (landowner) in NM Unit 51. Short, fruitless hunt, due to a) DRY conditions, b) sprained rib on my part that only got worse each day. So planning for 2022.

I think we learned this go-around that my Bride and I will apply as individuals, giving two times the chance of one of our numbers popping up as compared to a party. If we both draw, super - if only one draws, still pretty fine. Will still put in for everything offered in NM again for 2022. The dicey part is what do we do for NR.

Looking to CO possibly, WY as well. We don't have an unlimited budget, and I still have that work thing. Interested in cow tags for elk (meat!), we are still inexperienced enough that a bull hunt is very likely not successful (rifle hunt, no archery). But the lack of meat in the freezer this year has resulted in us sharpening our pencils on what and where, so a lot of work to put in between now and the deadlines to decide which units, both here in NM and elsewhere.
Plan to hunt bear, moose, elk, deer and geese as per usual. Of course can’t forget ice fishing and chasing walleye in the summer
Got a flyout moose hunt and sheep hunt planned, will have caribou and grizz on the menu as well.

The wife and I are going to either CO or SE Alaska to chase deer. Have to go to MT in late early Sept, may blast some birds if we have time. Lots of fun ahead.

Finally getting some snow here, and will be out chasing predators in the near future. Need to bloody the the new Mini Howa.
Hawaii for axis deer in May
Adak Alaska for caribou in Sep.
Adak for waterfowl in Nov.
These are OTC, don't expect to draw anything in CA or AZ but I'll keep putting in the draw.
Here are my 2022 hunting plans.

Me: Draw an Idaho bighorn sheep tag.
Idaho OTC elk
Idaho OTC deer
Try for Wyoming Antelope

15 Year old son:
Idaho Elk
Idaho OTC deer
Try for Idaho antelope
Try for Wyoming antelope

14 Year daughter:
Draw an Idaho Moose tag

12 year old son:
Idaho OTC elk
Idaho OTC deer
Try for Idaho antelope
Try for Wyoming Antelope

10 Year old son:
Idaho elk
Idaho deer
Wyoming Elk will be a lock again.
Not sure what to do about AZ Elk. I can draw a cpl early bow and most late rifle but I hate the cold.
Apply for the same unit in UT and hope for a good random number.
OR Elk should be a lock, no idea where to go with my Deer points.
WY Antelope will depend on quotas. One less than max for Deer; I may split with hunting partner do mid area.
Going to hopefully cash in 9 WY elk points. Not sure what that’ll get us this year, but it’s time to go hunting there. Other that that, hopefully deer, archery elk, and lope in MT and get out more for waterfowl than the past few years.