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  1. G

    A gift for the exotic hunters

    OOffffffff; I'm not sure, but that might be considered Classical music! <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-31-2002 09:03: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>
  2. G

    Hunting Gemsbok

    I might agree that it's possible for the 338 to be "too much" for the "smaller" Scimitar Horned oryx, but it works fine on "the much larger" Gemsbok or Giant Oryx. Actually a 375 isn't overgun for the Gemsbok. They're really tough to put down and keep down. Of course, you must realize there...
  3. G

    I think thia is what y'all are lookin piggy piggy

    Yea AA, that's what we're lookin' for alright. THAT WOULD DO!
  4. G

    Anyone interested in Trophy Boar for $75.00? In Texas?

    You mean that you don't think we can hold you down and pour it in? Hey, we got you outnumbered! lol ;) :D That is if any of us have any energy left from hunting! :D
  5. G

    Trophy Hogs and Turkeys

    Nice hog Moosie! I've got my new bow, took it over to the pro shop to get it ready. I got my deposit off to Pete Denney. I'll be ready when the time comes. Can't wait!!!!
  6. G

    Trophy Hogs and Turkeys

    I've done some of that all night hunting for hogs in Texas. It's tough! Sounds easy with a spot light and all that, but it just isn't. After hunting throughout the day, all night is out of the question for me. Maybe a few hours or something, then I have to go to bed!
  7. G

    Coonass Kitchen???????

    He11, I just drooled all over the front of my shirt!!! Made me HUNGRY!
  8. G


    My youngest son took his 25-06 to Quebec last year and took a Real Nice Quebec-Labrador Caribou Bull with his. He shoots my 115g Nosler Part. load also. One shot, and the bull dropped like he was hit by lightening at over 300 yds. He has also killed a Real Nice 6X6 Bull Elk with it. Again, one...
  9. G

    25-06 Nosler loads

    Well the difference is in the jacket of the bullet. The 120 Partition has a thicker jacket than the 115. I wouldn't mind using a bullet of 120 or even 125 if the jacket thickness was right. The 5 grains less shouldn't make much difference, but the thinner jacket on the 115 does. That's the way I...
  10. G


    Not that much drop. The load I used on my 25-06 was IMR 7828 behind the Nosler 115g Partition. You'll find that it gives you the highest muzzle velocity and has given the best accuracy in the eight to ten rifles that I've tested. You should have no problem getting 3100 to 3150 fps from yours...
  11. G

    Trophy Hogs and Turkeys

    Thank you Deerslayer!
  12. G

    Trophy Hogs and Turkeys

    OK Dan, one last question. I assume that we are charged $75 per day including Sunday. So that's 3 days at $75 each right????? Or did he throw in Sunday afternoon, since we don't have the full day?????
  13. G

    Non Typical Coues' Deer

    There really wasn't any information on the plaque at the museum. I have no idea who shot it or score or anything. I only remember the plaque stating the common name and species, etc. Sorry. Oh, they do get a little bigger than 100 lbs. I have one that weighed 86 lbs field dressed. Should have...
  14. G

    .338 Win. Mag Loads

    I'm shooting the 225g Nosler Partition in mine. I got the load from Guns & Ammo, a couple of years ago. Their test showed that the load gave the highest velocity and the best accuracy. Hey, you know what? They were right! I get just a tad under 3,000fps with it and .5 MOA. That's right 1/2 inch...
  15. G

    25-06 Nosler loads

    I've taken about forty plus big game animals with the 25-06 Rem and 25-06 Ackley Improved. (same rifle, just rechambered it). You will be extremely unhappy with the 120g Nosler Partition, unless you shoot a Cape Buf. with it. I used it for a couple of years and never got it to expand well, even...
  16. G

    Anyone interested in Trophy Boar for $75.00? In Texas?

    I'm planning on it anyway. I've never taken a Rio Grande Turkey. He11, I've never taken a Turkey with a bow! I'm sure there will be a hog or two left! I'll chance it, gonna' be down there anyway. Why not?
  17. G

    Non Typical Coues' Deer

    I took this picture this last summer at the SCI International Wildlife Museum in Tucson, AZ. Have you ever seen anything like it? Yes, it's a Coues' Buck not a Whitetail! <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-17-2001 21:27: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>
  18. G

    Is there any more room on the exotic dancer hunt?

    OK, still trying to get the address to send in my deposit for the Hog/Turkey archery hunt. Help me out guys! And I really need to know more about the EXOTIC DANCERS ! <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2001 23:25: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>
  19. G

    Sheep stories.

    A couple of great books that I would suggest are; Magnificent Obsession: In Quest of High Mountain Game by a friend of mine, Israel Torres. Lords Of The Pinnacles by an acquaintance of mine, Dr. Raul Valdez. Also available from Safari Press
  20. G

    Anyone interested in Trophy Boar for $75.00? In Texas?

    Hey, do you suppose that I could get an address on where to send this deposit? What if I asked "please"?
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