Caribou Gear

.338 Win. Mag Loads


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
After much deliberation, I have finally compiled all the stuff that I need for handloading. If don't mind, I would appreciate any pet loads that you may have for the .338 Win Mag. I'm starting out experimenting with 200 BTs and IMR 4350. Thanks for and and all advice.
I started out with Federal Mag primers, 200 gr. Ballistic Silvertips and 69gr. of IMR 4350. I'm heading to the range on Sunday to see if my loads actually fire. I'll keep you posted.

Good luck with your "varmint weight bullets" as I call them. ;) I only load up the heavier bullets in my .338. The 200 grainers are good if you're going after chucks and coyotes, but I have other rifles for that.:D

One of my favorite loads for the .338 Win Mag is 73 grains of RE 19 under a 225 grain Partition. It chronos 2,930 fps out the pipe, and is very accurate in my rifle. This is a max load, so approach with prudence. If you use 210 grain Partitions, you can generally increase your 225 grain load by about 1 to 1.5 grains for similar pressures, but a gain of about 100 fps.

Good luck, you're handloading for my favorite caliber, next to the .220 Swift.
70 gr IMR 4350, CCI mag primer, 225 Hornady
2870 fps ( it put a big hole through a small elk )

1 pointer, let us know how thoses 200 gr bullets shoot, & if ya get a chance, put one over a crono. 69 grs of 4350 is not a hot load with a light bullet, but it's a good place to start.
If ya plan on hunting elk, I'de find a bigger, tougher bullet.

Nodak, I tried the 225 pratition, but it didn't group good enough for me, what do you think I should try next, the 210 pratition, or the 250 partition ?

I also have a Ruger Mod 77 MK II in stainless (mine is an older one, and came with a walnut stock), and it shoots the 210s better than the 250s. It seems to like shorter, faster bullets for some reason. My max loads for 250 grain Partitions average about 1.7" at 100 yards, which is adequate for elk, moose, or bear, but my 210 grain Partitions group under an inch at 100 yards. The 225s are in between.

Also, with my rifle anyway, the closer I am to max loads for any weight, the tighter the groups. Guess I got lucky on that end. :D
Thanks for the confidence on my varmint bullets!!! :D Just thought that they would work well for deer and b. bear. I did read on another forum that the 200gr BTs penetrated nearly as much as the 210 Partitions. I don't know. But, the BT were the only factory rounds I could find in a pinch when I first got the rifle and I figured I would start with them for handloading. I was gonna go to the range today, but it's Sunday and almost everything shuts down on Sun. in UT!! :mad: I'll keep you posted.
1_pointer, did you ever make it out to the range? I'm interested in hearing how your rifle shot. I recently recieved a Win Model 70 Pre-64'.338 Win Magnum from a deceased relative. My son was also given a Pre-64' right after he died because he promised it to him as soon as my son got a hunting license. That one was a Model 70 .30-06 which is now a 6.5-06.

I never got a chance to fire the .338, (just recieved it about 2 weeks ago) and I would say that the bore has no more than 200 rounds out of it!! I even got a box of shells that had a date on the box (my Uncle always dated when he purchased them), from 1961 and the price on the box was $6.00.

I plan on reloading for this one after the holidays and would like to hear how yours is shooting. Is the recoil that bad?

Thanks in advance,


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ December 01, 2001 15:35: Message edited by: JudeinPa ]</font>
I just fired my first reloads today, so I am in the infant stages of developing a load. These were just to make sure that I was loading them right. Here's what I started with:

Win nickel plated brass
Federal Mag primers
69gr. of IMR4350
200gr. Ballistic Silvertip

I came home with all my fingers, and holes were made in the target, so I guess I'm doing things right. I was a little dissappointed though, the reloads hit about 7 inches below the factory shells that I had. :confused: Is this because they were that much slower, or that is just where they shoot. The factory ammo was Win. Supreme Ballistic Silvertips 200gr. I will now start loading to find the 'right' amount of powder. It must be noted that I am VERY new to reloading and these were the first 5 rounds that I have loaded.
1_pointer, it is most likely due to the bullet velocity. Your factory shells are most likely a little hotter than your reloads were. Once you start increasing the charge it may start moving the impact point on your target.

I was going to start loading with the 200 grain NBT first myself. Most likely I will be starting with IMR 7828 and IMR 4831. I would still like to compare notes with you on each others progress.

I'll keep you posted. I plan on working up a few loads tomorrow and hope to get to the range next week sometime.
1_pointer, I forgot to ask, how was your grouping with this load? I was looking in the Nosler handbook and it had a note that 69.0 gr. of IMR 4350 did the best for that powder. Then again all rifles shoot different and that is just a guide line.

As soon as I can get some extra money together I plan on getting a set of dies.

Good shooting,

All the shots with 69gr. IMR 4350 were just over an inch at 100yds. So, I was HAPPY with the accuracy, but will be stepping the powder up a little. If I can keep those kinda groups I'll be happy. I feel that is 'hunting accurate' enough.
Might I suggest that you guys try H-4831 with the 200 grain bullets. I believe that you will find that optimizes velocity and keeps accuracy well within 1". It's been my experience that IMR 7828 works best with the 225 and 250 grain bullets and H-1000 works well with the 250 grain and heavier bullets. :cool:
I'm shooting the 225g Nosler Partition in mine. I got the load from Guns & Ammo, a couple of years ago. Their test showed that the load gave the highest velocity and the best accuracy. Hey, you know what? They were right! I get just a tad under 3,000fps with it and .5 MOA. That's right 1/2 inch groups at 100 yds. I use 77.5g of Reloader 22. It's not an extremely high pressure load at all. That's all the powder I cna cram into the case by trickling the powder into the case to get it packed. Even 1/10g more and bullet becomes unseated. I've been using this load for a couple of years. No problem at all! The 225g Nosler seems to stay together real well on tough stuff, but expands enough for lightening kills on smaller stuff. Took a Quebec-Labrador Bull last year with one those loads and he dropped like a rock! Give it a try.
1_pointer, just finished testing some reloads out of my .338 (200gr. N.B.T.) and had good luck with AA 3100. I started at 73.0gr and MAXED out at 75.0gr stepping up in .5gr. increments. I hit the 3/4" group at 100yds. with 74.5gr.

I also tried N 160 and had good results but not like the AA 3100.

I have found that mine also groups at near MAX with the powders I tested so far!!

How is your rifle shooting?

I haven't been to the range if far too long, but I'm going Saturday and will post the results afterwards. Thanks for the info!
1 pointer; I'am loading 225 Barnes X's for my wife's rifle. 77.5 gr. RL22 at 2860fps

GilaMonster; I think you have a fast barrel and our a bit slow. What is your barrel lenght? My wife's is a Model 70 Win. with a 24" tube.-memtb
Guys, according to the Alliant web site the MAX Load for RL 22 in the 225 Barnes is 73.0gr. Here is the data that was posted.

.338 Win. Mag, 3.335 24.0" barrel, Win. W.L.R. primer, Reloder 22 73.0, 2,705 Fps., c.u.p. 46,900. It also states to reduce loads by 10% and work up.

Which reloading book was your data in?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-21-2002 04:37: Message edited by: JudeinPa ]</font>
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