Anyone interested in Trophy Boar for $75.00? In Texas?

Danr.............sounds like you drop a load on the drinking :eek: .......didn't know you had such a problem ;) can count me in for the turkey/hog deal.......not sure you guys can get me to drink though..

It'll be good to see you Ol' Bob.
You mean that you don't think we can hold you down and pour it in? Hey, we got you outnumbered! lol ;) :D That is if any of us have any energy left from hunting! :D
"drop a load on drinking"? No, I don't drop a load on drinking. I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, get drunk, fall down. No problem. Ask anyone who was in Vegas. They all saw me sloshed........ I am really a lousy card player too. I just enjoy playing and it's worth it to me to loose. Maybe we can get a game going on the hunt??

(Bob, it's kind of like calling Elk....)

OK.... I'm not one to Drink...BUT cards I've seen played on TV... ;)

I know:

Euro 21 (I'll have ta show ya this one :D)
Acey Ducey
Doctor pepper
Hi LOW split
Texas hold um..
7,2 & 2
high or low chicago
7 card stud
5 card stud
5 card draw
shipwreck (Low in the hole)
Bullchit (Or "I DOUBT IT")
the cross game

and probably a few more I could follow...

heck even solitair.. BUT I usually don't loose much money at that game

So... I'll bring a few etra QUARTERS....

:eek: :eek: :eek:
OK, We'll play house rules, and I own the house. Striaght poker, no bullsh!t games. Five card stud, seven Card Stud, five card draw, holdum. If the majority want a joker, one bug can be used for aces, straights and flushes. How does that sound????
DAN... YOU're killing me
I'm used to a buch-of WILD cards ;)

I guess regular poker is OK.... YOU playing for nic,dime,quar ? or staigh Qua or $ min..... WE might have to split a game or two... I think the $ amounts might depend on the person, and lost tollerant :D

I'm not good.. BBUT don't mind loosing MONEY.. Espercially to friends... So I'lll throw in more on a not so good hand cuz it just don't matter.... AND ifya play long enuf, It all evens out...
He..He... Oscar I was just being a smart a$$. I don't care what the rules are as long as everyone agrees. If you like wild cards, then we'll have wild cards. I've never known you to take something said in jest with such conviction.... Believe me, for the nickel-dime-quarter game we'll be having it ain't 'bout money, it's 'bout fun... Besides, my turkey's bigger than your turkey.......
DAN ... CAN you even shoot a bow past 12 yards :D :D :D I figure it's the "CHICKEN" that counts.. NOT the turkey.......

I'll bring the quarters !!!!!!
Hell, I'm doing good if I can see past 12 yards......

Anyway, for those interested, You can send a 50% deposit (that's $37.50 for each day with a two day minimum) to:
Pete Denney
PO Box 1110
Sabinal, TX. 78881

Be sure to list my name (Dan Shinn) on the check. Only because he has the dates booked under my name. The dates we are in for are Sunday, 3/31 to Tuesday 4/2.

Someone asked earlier about the cost for nonhunters. Pete says "NO COST", so I guess that means free........


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-02-2002 09:30: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
The check went out in the mail two weeks ago.
You mean we have to see past 12 yards?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-11-2002 09:30: Message edited by: GilaMonster ]</font>