
Anyone interested in Trophy Boar for $75.00? In Texas?


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2000
Mesa, AZ
I recently received an invitation from a very reputable outfitter for an Texas exotic hunt for $3500 for 4 days hunting. I thought that was nice of him to remember me. I passed.

I have also made a contact for a ranch just south of San Antonio that may have Turkey and wild pig (up to 400 pounds) for $75.00/day--Archery only. If there is any interest, I will pursue this for group packages. If not, Glen and I will probably go alone.

Let me know.

I just spoke with the owner on the phone. He confirmed the price (you notice it changed) and he further confirmed that he can accomodate up to 30 hunters without problem. The price includes lodging in ranch hand houses with all the amenities except room service. If you are interested, let me know. I promised him a call on Monday, 12/10. He will hold a date for 10 days on a verbal. He requires 50% down the balance on arrival. He also indicated that if the phase of the moon is right, hunting hogs at night is really fun. (Given the size of these porkers, I'm not sure that's a good idea.) Anyway, Turkey season opens the Saturday that we are hunting sheep. So ...Think on it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-09-2001 10:47: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
I would certainly be interested, but just ordered a new bow. With my schedule, I won't have time to "dial it in" by then. If it were next year, the answer would be "yes". I probably won't have time to even try any arrow through it for at least a month. I haven't picked up my old bow in at least three years. Lets talk about it again for 2003. You guys have fun!
DAN.. If you can make the hunt for that THursday.. maybe friday morning.... or the Following Monday.. I'd be interested... OR ..... WHEN were ya thinking.. a different weekend ? LET me know !!!!!! I'm in with a few buddies if thats the case....

Post it or call or E-mail me....
I am interested, depending on when the hunt will be. I will be taking vacation for this hunt and if I can hook it all together,that is a great price for a 400lbs. hog.
I wouldn't take a group there until you had more information, which you might have. You got a contact, he can handle 30 hunters. If he handles 30 hunters, there must be pictures, a web page?, references. Did your contact actually go there?

If there's no more info. and/or pictures, I'm waiting for your report on the actual hunting conditions. It sounds interesting, but I want more info. Does this make sense?

I've shot a hog at midnight with my bow but more with my rifle, so they die in the open. The bow one he ran in the woods and there were a bunch of other hogs there in the area besides the one with an arrow in him. I ended up finding him in the morning because I didn't think it was worth risking an attack.
The Ranch is the Brushy Hill ranch in Sabinal Tx. It's about 80 miles from Thompson's. They are hosting a convention of archery hunters the end of February and expect 100 hunters, some with families. I sent Tom the info that I have. I have not hunted there, but they come highly recommended by one of the directors here at the plant who has hunted there with his son. The tentative dates that I have posted at Brushy Hill is Sunday afternoon thru Tuesday noon immediately following the sheep/goat hunt(4/1-4/3). Since the drive is less than 100 miles, I didn't think that would be a problem.

I have committed to get back to him by Tuesday. He will hold on a verbal for 10 days then money talks and you know the rest. He requires 50% down. Let me know.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2001 13:56: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
OK, now I'm interested. I looked everywhere for the date. I must of missed it. Can this be set up right before or after the sheep hunt so I can do both while I'm down there in that area??? I just got a E-Mail from Tom and he suggested that i go for this one too. Hey, he's "the man", so I'm in. Where do I send the deposit?
Danr55 got a great referal from his director who has hunted this ranch and it going back next week. He sent me a great report that they got 27 archery turkeys last year and turkey season starts the saturday our ram hunt starts. They also had 100% oportunity on hogs, the owner told him. The glitch may be there will be an archery club of 100 hunters there the month before us, Danr55 figured this out with a search on the ranch. I'm going to try and take some pictures of the place to post here and find how how the guy will restock the hogs. Some poeple here trap wild hogs and he may restock with them, if not, will there be many hogs left when we get there? Danr55 and his friend are going there sunday after the ram hunt until tuesday, but its $75/day archery only and $100 extra (check Texas Parks and Wildlife webpage) for the out of state turkey (gobbler only in the spring) liscense that is over the counter. Ask Danr55 where to send the 50% deposit for this. The $35 over the counter liscense for exotics covers the hogs also and lasts 5 days. Another 5 days can be bought for another $35. You get them at sports stores, Wal-mart, K-mart, places like that when you get here or contact Texas Parks and Wildlife through their web page.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2001 09:10: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
So did anyone ever find out what game might be left after an Archery Club of 100 hits it hard right before we arrive? kinda like getting to the birthday party an hour late and hoping there's still a little corner of the cake left! :eek: ........I'm game for whatever you guys wanna do........lemme know.
That's a good question. Pete told me last night he doesn't stock it, meaning everything has to be born and grow up right there. The turkey season won't be open when that big group is there, so all the turkeys will be left when we get there.

Hogs have like 8 babies, twice a year, and in 9-10 months the females can get pregnant. But still, there will be a lot of hogs missing from that big groups hunt the month before it seems like.

Danr55 knows someone hunting there this week. I hope they give us a detailed report next week or soon after!
I'm planning on it anyway. I've never taken a Rio Grande Turkey. He11, I've never taken a Turkey with a bow! I'm sure there will be a hog or two left! I'll chance it, gonna' be down there anyway. Why not?
I don't know about you guys, but I've spent more money than this on scotch in a month. This sounds like a really great chance to find an exotic or a BIG hog or maybe a bobcat or lion for little more than drinking money. I won't hear anything from Gary until after the first of the year. I'll post what ever report I get and maybe even some photos. We'll see. I figure since I'm driving all the way to Texas anyway, this could be a great connection and an interesting hunt. Even if I just want to come back later next year and hunt whitetail. :cool:
I've been kinda "outa pocket " for a while and just discovered what you guys are planning. This party will be just 80-90 miles from my new place. I will be all moved in by then and certainly plan to pop in for a visit and get acquainted. Course I know ol Danr r already! Ol Bob
Bob, It would be great to see you again. Bring your luck and let us borrow it for a while. It may help..... You and yours enjoy a Happy Holiday Season and we'll see you in March. :cool:
Bob.. You didnt know? we were all coming over to help build your fence.. Too bad it will be finished by then LOL...
Danr55 said he wanted to have enough for a poker game at the hog/turkey hunt. He must have been thinking of you, BbarC?

If you guys play for real serious money, I may just stick to hunting and not try the poker.
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