I wont buy a used bow from anyone I don't know personally ( just like a firearm)
but on a side note, guess I am a whimp cause I couldn't pull back a 70lber today. had a little difficulty pulling back a 60 lber.
Going to get the experience 60lber in black ops in the next few weeks I think...
Still haven't had a chance to try the bows out. been there twice this week for my daughter and the lanes are packed. maybe I can sneak out of work early tomorrow.
I started out with a browning tracker back in 1981. loved it, had a hoyte super fast flight when it first came out was ok but went back to the browning. then got and Oregon it was ok went back to the browning. Then a pse never shot it gave it away years ago, then the onida.
I just gave away 5...
I more than likely wont pass it up. Just trying to figure out what the difference between the experiacne and Insanity CPXL
I don't know squat about bows, someone could hand me one and says its this or that and I'll go ok LOL
these new bows are pretty amazing to look at.
That's little diamond...
Damn you guys are too fast in replies, I was figuring I had a few days LOL
Thanks a million I will read them better in the ext few hours.
the store will let me shoot any bow I want and set them all up for me so I can get the right one.
Randy the black ops one is the color I am looking for as a...
I been eyeballing a Bowtec experience for the last 3 months 3 days a week when I take my daughter to practice.
Havent boughten a new bow sence the onida's back in the late 90's early 2000's
hadn't fired a bow sence I broke my hand in 2004.
basically I don't know jack shit about bows anymore as...
Deerslayer, WTF man your back, funny I am too , just came back the otherday been busier than shit.
I should have never read this thread though..... theres a few ladies (dustinf) on here that need to be back in the kitchen were they belong.
I finally dropped my oldest daughters lope off 4 months ago to get mounted. took the whole freezer to the guy and said mount what ever is in the freezer LOL.
Think were going to be up there the same day. I had forgot I put in for 12b. I think it was my 4fth pick.
Deer Draw Successful 01017 Oct 25 - Nov 03, 2013 UNIT 12B 000003
But I am going to be hunting on the cliffs and mesa that overlook page and lake powell ie north east side of unit 12b.
wow man all you old dudes are still kicking.. that's cool....
I and the family are doing great, hope everyone is doing great as well.
Dan glad to see your still around was looking for you about 6 months ago and lost your information. shoot me a email at [email protected]
I should have more...
Hi Randy.
just working our butts off. Finally got out of the website stuff, cause I don't have time)
Waiting for my 07 and sot to show up got some stuff were are going to be building. mainly long range hunting rifles, and suppressors and some other stuff.
time will tell.
Daughter who is 12...
for non res they don't make a difference either, there still going to draw 20%(think its 20%). I know quite a few non res that have gotten tags on there 1st time drawing, even met a few that have drawn a year apart..
That's cool you got a late hunt in 12aw hunt rattlesnake canyon (border)...
I know this is late but hey better late then never.
1st off bonus points don't mean crap.,, the only thing they do is give you extras try's
I got drawn for a 13(don't know which one yet) tag this year and I hadn't put in for 5 years LMAO
been drawn for 3 lope tags in 5 years all rifle all the...
ah buried trying to get a areospace shop running again, when dad passwed away I didnt take the family bullshit too well afterwords so I lived like a recluese in my shop.
I did finaly get the 2 little kids shooting a few times started taking them out after halloween. Anthony is hooked Claudia is...
How have you all been? hope everyone had a Nice Christmas.
1st time back online in maybe 2 years, thought I would stop in and Say Hi.
Hey moosie you have anymore kids while I was gone.;)