Kenetrek Boots

Bowtec experience anyone got one?


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
I been eyeballing a Bowtec experience for the last 3 months 3 days a week when I take my daughter to practice.

Havent boughten a new bow sence the onida's back in the late 90's early 2000's
hadn't fired a bow sence I broke my hand in 2004.
basically I don't know jack shit about bows anymore as I don't keep up with them.
My 12 year old daughter shoots a diamond something (bowtech bow the ones that's from 5lbs to 70lbs) shes been hounding me to get a bow and start shooting, plus wants to bow hunt(which I do enjoy)

I noticed that everything shoots carbon arrows anymore, overdraws are a thing of the past. Which is good cause they scare the crap out of me., even my onidia I didn't like to shoot cause of the over draw.

I am going to buy from a local shops as they been very helpful with my daughter.
The shop sells pse hoyte and bowtech and can pretty much order anything I am sure..
I am pretty dead set on the bowtech,
I did see the new composit bowtech last week (I guess it just came out) it was ok but I still like alum risers/

I guess what I am asking is the "experience" worth the 900+ or is there something just as good or better for the same money or less.
Elk hunting sucks so It will be for deer lopes and yotes, so flat shooting would be a plus

also input on sights, arrows broad heads would be cool, I don't climb trees or sit in a blind, more of spot and stalk.

I have been shooting a pair of the Bowtech Experience bows this summer. They shoot very, very nice.

I have them set at 60#, shooting a total of about 450 grains with a 29" draw length. I am getting around 270fps with that. Plenty good for a hack like me.

I don't want to talk you out of a 2013 bow, but if you want a 2012 Insanity CPXL that has had very few arrows shot through it, I have one of those, also and it is for sale. It is in the Black Ops color. I had two of those last year and ended up not having hardly any archery hunts on the slate, so they did not get shot very much, other than some practice arrows at my range and one hunt to Nevada where not an arrow as released. Sold one of them and have the other one sitting here in need of a good home. It is a right handed 70# bow with a 29" draw length. Price is really good for a guy like you.

I have been shooting a ton this summer, having three archery hunts on deck, and possibly a fourth that won't be filmed. The Experience is shooting far better than my talent (not much of a compliment to the bow). I really like the bow. Even if they ask me to shoot new models next year, I don't know if I will give up these two.

I have mine set up with a Ripcord Arrow Code Red rest, a Black Gold Ascent 3 pin sight, and a Tightspot Quiver. Links to all of those companies is below.

Ripcord -

Black Gold -

Tightspot -

Hard to beat those Montana-made accessories or their customer service, in the rare instance you might need that customer service.

Good luck in your decision.
Any of the 3 makers you named will have something that works for you.
If you have a relationship built with a good shop, then that's who I would suggest you use.
As to your question about cost. Time spent with your Daughter sharing a hobby together, I wouldn't even know how to put a dollar value on that.
dewl, speaking from experience.....almost any new bow will be better than what you have now. I just bought a new bow yesterday. I was replacing a 2000 Matthews featherlite. Even though the Matthews was a top-of-the-line at the time....I shot a lot of bows in the mid-range and they all seemed to be as good or better.

I ended up buying a Bear Method and I couldn't be more pleased with it. I would just say....go somewhere that you can shoot multiple bows.....and shoot them. You will know what you like and can fit your budget. Moving to a newer bow will be great. Good luck.

Been shooting the BowTech for the last few years now. Absolutely no issues with any of the ones I've owned. Shoot them all and buy the one that feels right for you. Good luck and have fun!
Set up a time that is best for the owner to dedicate a few hours to test shoot. Pick out a few bows that are interesting, different cam designs, turn the weight down with proper lengths and shoot. Shoot bare bows so you are not distracted by groups or swayed by product. You will zone In on a few that feel good. Then, at close distance I like to shoot with my eyes closed. This way I can focus on the draw cycle and how it feels to hold and release. I listen to see how loud it is, vibration, overall how it felt. Different cams draw and hold different so try a few. I'm a Hoyt guy and shoot a 34 spyder, best bow on the market. The pse vendetta is another favorite but I got my dad the pse bow madness. The experience is a sweat bow and a smart choice. Understand that resale is crap so buy a good bow. Rest assure that if you buy quality you will be happy and probably won't be able to distinguish between the small details. Get the best bow you can, then the best rest. Those are the things that touch your arrow, make them count. Ripcords are my favorite. Black gold sights. Tight spot quiver, bee stinger stab,Scott release, gt arrows are all top notch accessories but others are good to. Spot Hogg, doinkers, carter, victory arrows are also favorites.
It really comes down to personal preference. I really like bowtech, but the guys I hunt with like their mathews and hoyt. I would recommend just going up to the shop and seeing what fits you the best. Definitely shoot at least one new bowtech and a new hoyt.

As far as broad heads go, I have had good luck with the muzzy mx-4's, shuttle T locks, and for an expandable the meat seeker. (Montana design formerly known as piston point)

Good luck in you decision!
Damn you guys are too fast in replies, I was figuring I had a few days LOL
Thanks a million I will read them better in the ext few hours.

the store will let me shoot any bow I want and set them all up for me so I can get the right one.

Randy the black ops one is the color I am looking for as a 70lber as well I also have a 29" draw, your kinda making this difficult.
I don't like the camos ( just cause I am a machinest LOL)
I know nothing about the Insanity CPXL will look it up in a few mins.
shoot me a pm or a link with a pic.??

again thanks for the info.
If I was you I would not pass on the offer Fin is throwing at you. I shoot a Hoyt and a buddy of mine shoots the insanity. I normally shoot 62 lbs. and his is set at 70. The draw cycle is so nice that the 70 lbs felt great. The insanity is a great bow. Anymore the technology with archery keeps most companies in line with each other and its hard not to find a good bow no matter what it is. Most people have a brand preference, but anymore everything is about neck and neck. The best thing to do is go to the shop and shoot a few, but again I wouldn't pass on a slightly used bow.
I more than likely wont pass it up. Just trying to figure out what the difference between the experiacne and Insanity CPXL

I don't know squat about bows, someone could hand me one and says its this or that and I'll go ok LOL
these new bows are pretty amazing to look at.
That's little diamond one my daughter has is pretty bad ass.

I think you could shoot both all day long next to each other and notice little differences here and there, but in the end they will both shoot way faster than anything you have shot in the past with a smoother draw and are way more forgiving. I used to have a Browning Dakota and went from that to the AlphaMax I shoot now and it is scary how far things have came in just a few years. I'm hoping to get a min. of 5 to 7 more years out of this bow. The only new bow I might get is a recurve.
I started out with a browning tracker back in 1981. loved it, had a hoyte super fast flight when it first came out was ok but went back to the browning. then got and Oregon it was ok went back to the browning. Then a pse never shot it gave it away years ago, then the onida.

I just gave away 5 bows last 2 weeks. still have the tracker and the onida, the tracker would be scarey to shoot its laminated wood and very thin were the pins that hold the cams in. so its a wall hanger now . I had a browning micro medallion (kids bow)that I gave to the archery shop for the kids to shoot. they cleaned it up pretty nice.
Had a pse something gave it to a guy who works for me ( I never shot it) he goes and shoots fish and rabbits with it over the weekend and sends me pics he just got it Friday LOL
I liked the browning tracker cause it was a short bow and I was able to shoot it kneeling down. the onida I liked a lot, just was scared of the overdraw. (saw a guy in the Kaibab put a arrow through his wrist been scared of them ever sence.).

I have a 2008 model Bowtech General. It's smooth and accurate. Bowtech warranty is top notch. I managed to break mine two weeks before season. I had it back within a week, good as new.
Del, you have probably already done this, but here are links to the two bows.

Experience -

Insanity CPXL -

The biggest difference is axle to axle, with the CPXL being a 35" bow and the Experience being a 32" bow. The other differences are petty minor.

Like some have said, you wouldn't want to buy it just because it is a great deal, if it does not feel right in your hands. The feel, draw cycle, and grip will be more important in how it performs for you, than the price.

Point being, you have first dibs, but with the warning that I just took it out to the pro shop late last week and asked them to sell it. If they sold it since then, I apologize.
I bought a new bow 2 yrs ago and I shot every top end bow on the markey before I purchased one. What I bought is irrelevant. I have had major surgery 2x on my elbow so the bow HAD to work for me. What mattered is that I could draw the bow confortably ...shoot the bow confortably and it felt great in my hand. All top end bows and mid range bows for that matter are really good these days but do your homework. For most , parting with $800 to a $1000 for a bow is not a yearly thing and you dont want to regret what you bought.....:cool:
now I can get on bowtechs website. for some reason my home pc doesn't work on there website.

Still haven't had a chance to try the bows out. been there twice this week for my daughter and the lanes are packed. maybe I can sneak out of work early tomorrow.

I have a new Experience and love it. Was a 'Mathews guy' for several years but the newer models didn't do it for me. Like everyone here already said - shoot a couple and let the bow pick you. Critters don't care what name is on it but if you enjoy shooting it and shoot it well, then you will shoot it more.

But...heard good things about Insanity and hard to pass on a deal. :confused:
If you are not concerned about price, then try several and see which you like. If you want a quality bow for way cheaper, go to and look at the miles of used bows that people have for sale.

I have a bowtech tribute that I bought a couple years back and it shoots real well. I paid $375 to the door for essentially $1000 worth of equipment. Some people just like to trade bows all the time and there are some super bows for sale for way less than retail.
I wont buy a used bow from anyone I don't know personally ( just like a firearm)

but on a side note, guess I am a whimp cause I couldn't pull back a 70lber today. had a little difficulty pulling back a 60 lber.

Going to get the experience 60lber in black ops in the next few weeks I think. those bows are sweet and smooth.
My 12 year old gave me all kinds of shit today about not being able to pull back a 70lb bow hahaha, she and ended up shooting the best she ever did .. Kids a pretty good shot.
she set up a pin to shoot at and nailed it once then I said she couldn't do it again nailed it again then she shot an inch away from it.. the whole time I was having difficulties pulling back a 60lb experience .. little smart ass.


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