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Zimmerman found "NOT guilty"

I only have 6 posts and I am already being called a racist.....oh my, maybe I am on the wrong web site. Maybe it's my southern draw that gave me away. Moosie said you guys would be gentle.....wait til I see that mother again!
People want to react like he was a child. HE WAS NOT! He was big enough to overcome another man and beat him into the ground.

Ted Nugent hit it right on the head with his statement. This ridiculous case would not have even made the news if it had been black on black, like happens about 30 times a week in Detroit and Chicago. Where is Jesse and Al and our wonderful president every week when several black kids are innocently killed by their own neighborhood thugs in their own "hoods"? It is time for our "leaders" to quit lock-stepping with the new black panthers (purposely small caps). They are nothing but thugs, but seem to be dictating to our "leaders" what is important.

agree. So far this summer, 45 have been murdered in Indianapolis. . . where have the rev and jessie and the rest of the attention/media whores been? not in Indy marching I'm sure of that. What a mess. . .nothing but attention whores ( jesse and al) ... just my 2 cents. . . .
LSUbengal, welcome to the club. Apparently, (I've been warned that I will be banned for racist comments, so I'm not the one you want to be compared to) speaking the truth and detailing the facts as we in the South are witnesses to on a daily basis, is inappropriate on this forum. I hope you don't also like to hunt over bait or use hounds to run deer. If you do, then you will soon find out those are taboo, as well. If you don't solely practice spot and stalk, then on this site you aren't considered to be a true hunter. From the little I know about Southern Louisiana, your swamps make ours look like mud holes, so I would imagine trying to spot and stalk down there is even worse than over here, where one would either drown, die of a moccasin bite, or get eaten by a 'gator. So absolutely do not point out the problems of the inner city and the big cities based on any type of racial percentage of the population, as that will immediately get you slammed, condemned, cussed, and called a non-hunting, white trash racist!
I hope you don't also like to hunt over bait or use hounds to run deer. If you do, then you will soon find out those are taboo, as well. If you don't solely practice spot and stalk, then on this site you aren't considered to be a true hunter.

I wouldn't say taboo, some here do indeed think it is their way or no way (they do tend to be the loudest on here), but I think most here don't give two chits how you hunt (just keep it legal :) ).
rhomas, Thanks for the welcome. Although I should point out I was one of the original 10 or 12 members of this site......what was it Delw, 8-10-7????? I can't remember. Moosie has yet to respond to me and give me my old handle back. I used to post under the handle Deerslayer and registered more than 10,000 posts....but we would need Delw again..... to verify the specific number! Anywho.....I am aware of the ways of many of these scalawags..... just checking in on the crew to see what's been going on. DS
rhomas, Thanks for the welcome. Although I should point out I was one of the original 10 or 12 members of this site......what was it Delw, 8-10-7????? I can't remember. Moosie has yet to respond to me and give me my old handle back. I used to post under the handle Deerslayer and registered more than 10,000 posts....but we would need Delw again..... to verify the specific number! Anywho.....I am aware of the ways of many of these scalawags..... just checking in on the crew to see what's been going on. DS

Deerslayer, WTF man your back, funny I am too , just came back the otherday been busier than shit.

I should have never read this thread though..... theres a few ladies (dustinf) on here that need to be back in the kitchen were they belong.

DS, I know this is a little off course, but with the Rallies and people stirring stuff up like they are for Political gain. What is gonna happen when Schools open in a couple of weeks? Our School are always just a few ticks away from blowing up racially. I just wish cooler heads would prevail. John
I believe the only potential problem areas in the schools, will be in the larger urban areas where gang violence is already a common problem. Down here, in the more rural areas of the country, there aren't nearly the number of racial incidences that occur in areas such as Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, New York, DC, Miami, etc. Even the larger metropolitan areas such as Charleston, Savannah, and even Atlanta don't see the type of conflicts the really bigger areas with large inner city problems experience. Yet, funny enough, the Deep South is where most people consider there to be a larger incidence of racial trouble.........and that just isn't the case!!!!! Don't get me wrong, the bigger cities do have gangs and gang violence, but it's usually contained within that segment of society that attracts the gang mentality. We even have gangs in the rural areas, but they are more closely associated with the drug trade and the violence is usually contained within that population's own communities. The schools have the normal bullies, of course, but most of them are employed by the local school board as teachers, coaches, or resource officers, and not the students!!!!!!!
I believe the only potential problem areas in the schools, will be in the larger urban areas where gang violence is already a common problem. Down here, in the more rural areas of the country, there aren't nearly the number of racial incidences that occur in areas such as Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, New York, DC, Miami, etc. Even the larger metropolitan areas such as Charleston, Savannah, and even Atlanta don't see the type of conflicts the really bigger areas with large inner city problems experience. Yet, funny enough, the Deep South is where most people consider there to be a larger incidence of racial trouble.........and that just isn't the case!!!!! Don't get me wrong, the bigger cities do have gangs and gang violence, but it's usually contained within that segment of society that attracts the gang mentality. We even have gangs in the rural areas, but they are more closely associated with the drug trade and the violence is usually contained within that population's own communities. The schools have the normal bullies, of course, but most of them are employed by the local school board as teachers, coaches, or resource officers, and not the students!!!!!!!

Idiotic statement insinuating that most bullies are teachers coaches etc.
No, I made my remarks about the students. I believe a young person to be more prone to "Have to prove" something in the school where they are put together after being separated by the summer vacation. I hope I am wrong. John
birddog 32, have you personally experienced the school system in Hampton County, SC, or anywhere in SC, for that matter? My comments were discussing rural vs. urban schools, and I was using our local schools as my source. Note the last sentence in my post; idiot!!!!!!!!!!

We even have gangs in the rural areas, but they are more closely associated with the drug trade and the violence is usually contained within that population's own communities. The schools have the normal bullies, of course, but most of them are employed by the local school board as teachers, coaches, or resource officers, and not the students!!!!!!!
birddog 32, have you personally experienced the school system in Hampton County, SC, or anywhere in SC, for that matter? My comments were discussing rural vs. urban schools, and I was using our local schools as my source. Note the last sentence in my post; idiot!!!!!!!!!!

We even have gangs in the rural areas, but they are more closely associated with the drug trade and the violence is usually contained within that population's own communities. The schools have the normal bullies, of course, but most of them are employed by the local school board as teachers, coaches, or resource officers, and not the students!!!!!!!
I am from a rural area and I am sure your local coaches and teachers would take offense at your statement. Typical stereotyping, something which you seem to be good at. to see..... er.... hear from you again! I think the crap here in Shreve-Bossier will be about the same. Way too deep for the local gangs to grasp. I may be wrong....but they are way to busy stealing and killing to stop and pay attention to the news! I think our kids are safe!!!! Delw.... yes it's DS. So you took a hiatus too? Hell, I thought you ran this place! tjones, so your telling me Moose Man is no longer the "Big Man On Campus!!!! ,things have really changed around here!!! So Delw, who do I have to pay off to get my old handle back? .......Man, it was much simpler in the days of gatherings and revolutions!!!!
Delw.......been a lot of years since we had that "Gathering" in south Texas and I cooked Gumbo for 20 or so members remember? I remember Moosie missing a 'Booner ram with a tag in his ear.......I THINK!!!!!! maybe my memory ain't so good .....but that will be the record until he says different!!! DS
Birddog32...You may be from a rural area but you do not necessarily live in reality..In certain parts of this country we get to see a different culture than others may experience elsewhere. I'm just saying...........speak of what you know and let the rest lie. You would like to make some of us sound racist when you know nothing of the daily life we live. Walk a mile in my shoes THEN talk to me about racism. Until then, understand that the perspective you are looking through is not necessarily the same one others are living on a daily basis.......just saying. DS
Birddog, what do you call it when a coach tells a student they could make better grades if they played football? How about when a resource officer pulls a kid out of classes and subjects him to 6 hours of uninterrupted interrogation based on a comment made by another student who has been sent of to the state juvenile detention center, without notifying the parents. How about a teacher who can't speak English, that yells and screams at the students because they can't understand Hindi. What would you call it when a resource officer tazes a student for coming back onto campus to retrieve a forgotten text book? Or how about a system that forces students to take a test prep class and lose needed courses in order to improve the overall scores on a test designed to increase Federal Funding to the teachers unions? How about teachers who leave the classroom unattended for a day at the time, in order to attend to personal business, without seeing that a substitute teacher is contacted, and the school has no idea, until the students bring it to their attention. Or the teacher who walks around the school building with a blackjack and threatens students with bodily harm, when they have a hall pass? Resource officers who rather than direct traffic and assist students crossing traffic, tells them tough sh*t if they can't get across in the pouring rain? How about a school resource officer who sexually molests both boys and girls, and the school administration is made aware of it and does nothing about it. If those aren't examples of teachers, resource officers and coaches being bullies, then bullying never existed at all!!!!!!!!

If you'd like more examples, these are just a few that I know of for a fact. The school board doesn't want to be bothered, since according to the superintendent and the board, it's the school administration's place to deal with it!
Birddog, what do you call it when a coach tells a student they could make better grades if they played football? How about when a resource officer pulls a kid out of classes and subjects him to 6 hours of uninterrupted interrogation based on a comment made by another student who has been sent of to the state juvenile detention center, without notifying the parents. How about a teacher who can't speak English, that yells and screams at the students because they can't understand Hindi. What would you call it when a resource officer tazes a student for coming back onto campus to retrieve a forgotten text book? Or how about a system that forces students to take a test prep class and lose needed courses in order to improve the overall scores on a test designed to increase Federal Funding to the teachers unions? How about teachers who leave the classroom unattended for a day at the time, in order to attend to personal business, without seeing that a substitute teacher is contacted, and the school has no idea, until the students bring it to their attention. Or the teacher who walks around the school building with a blackjack and threatens students with bodily harm, when they have a hall pass? Resource officers who rather than direct traffic and assist students crossing traffic, tells them tough sh*t if they can't get across in the pouring rain? How about a school resource officer who sexually molests both boys and girls, and the school administration is made aware of it and does nothing about it. If those aren't examples of teachers, resource officers and coaches being bullies, then bullying never existed at all!!!!!!!!

If you'd like more examples, these are just a few that I know of for a fact. The school board doesn't want to be bothered, since according to the superintendent and the board, it's the school administration's place to deal with it!

You do vote for your school board members, right? So are you involved?