I agree with Gunner, every election the repubs try this scare tatic with the NRA. I do agree with them though ,no more gun laws or bans are needed. But there are bigger issues that the repubs just wont address or are just against what I believe. The fact is ownership of guns is protected by the...
Gunner the apple doesnt fall to far from the tree, being that you are in Idaho! I'am shocked and hurt over your accusations that men from Montana would want to marry their sheep, everbody knows that sheep cant cook, so what would be the point in marrying one? Although much like a wedding dress...
Washington, you must know my soon to be ex-wife! ;) Does'nt everybody know that the only reason why Bush came out and said that, is because his secretary of education called the teachers union a terroists organization the day before? He knew he had to take that off the front of the papers! :D
Metal!!! Well I should of thought about that seeing how I build metal stuff for a livin. I'll start building some custom fit boxes this week for all my gear. I do think the 10/22 blast off sounds alot more fun though. ;)
Apparently its not a problem in KY ;) As for flying over wilderness areas I'm not sure. Thats a good question maybe someone else can anwer that one. The areas in AZ that those guys are talking about is all FS and one giant ranch and BLM.
Back at good old MM theres a couple guys bitching saying chute planes are a major problem in northern AZ. I personally dont think its a big deal infact I've got some good info from somebody that uses them for scouting. People have been using regular planes for years to scout and nobodys bitching...
I was cleaning out the garage today when I discovered mice had attacked my campgear. The little bastards chewed a hole in the top af my canvas tent ( of course it had to be the top ) and they even popped open the grub box and chewed up all my granola bars I was saving for next year! This is war...
Actually I've been stuck listening to XM radio! These guys that are for either canidate are all nuts! I just like taking these extremely ridiculous accusations they say and post them here to stir up chit! On some level I have been affected by the economy, but not to any point that I need to...
Extreme wacko? I think the most extreme wacko thing I have ever seen is Bush's Patriot Act! I thought this country was based on Due Process, but with Mini Hitler in office, now anybody can be taken away with out anybody knowing, without any kind of trial or any way to defend their selves. I...
Heh Heh.....I would vote for Nader, he's the only one that has ever done a damn thing for this country, but much like the last election it would only help W. This country needs an independent obviously, the repubs and dems sound like a bunch of whinning kids and together have put together a big...
sounds like Kerry is as big a liar as old Bush. What I dont get is why everybody keeps bringing up each guys past? Who cares? I personally think the vietnam war is really old news and dont care what each person did back then. Clinton was a draft dodger, but we enjoyed the best economic growth...
Lets see......I hate the Cowboys, the Stars, the Mavericks and the Astros. When I raced BMX I always thought those stickers that say , Dont Mess With Texas, was irritating and made me want to mess with Texas. Things are bigger in Teaxas especially egos. I drove through once and could'nt wait for...
Amazingly people on this board will argue for days in support of these gamefarms! I have yet to here one good reason they should be legal. The fact is all you ever here about is why they should be outlawed.
moosedrool, I thought you and elkmolester were the spokesman for high fence hunts! Now you hate your fat lazy rich clients? C'mon pick a side! :rolleyes: