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Checking in on the Looney Sheriff


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
I thought it had been awhile since we checked in on the looney Sheriff, but I have no clue what his latest column is about. Somehow he compares Janet Jackson's breast to Nazi Germany and Wolves......

I do like his reference to Miss Lead , must be another chick that he saw without clothes.... ;)

Super Bowl: Hitting a New Low
By Sheriff Mike Cook

I guess we have finally gotten to the bottom of the barrel in this nation. A singer at the Super Bowl gets her costume torn away and exposes a breast and CBS gets overwhelmed with complaints and attempts to apologize to everyone. Yet this same network and others will miss lead people about guns and politics and no one cares. I say one bare breast won't stop the world but taking our guns or some of the stupid politics going on right now may change our lives or take it.
The animal rights and environmental people in America want the United Nations (UN) to control our lives so that the One World Order can become a reality. They are using large predators and the endangered species act to get control of the land and politics and winning that war. There are just a few true Americans fighting for our survival. The people leading this fight to save this nation and our way of life are mostly agricultural people and hunters. They see the damage and destruction these predators do and also understand the big picture.

Years ago people stood by doing nothing when the spotted owl was used to stop the wood products industry and put them out of business. Thousands of people lost their income and were forced to relocate to find work to support families. Entire areas became depressed and still have not recovered. The economy was pushed to near depression and the enviro'whacko's learned that they had power and could get rich pushing their stupid agenda on the rest of us. The most important thing they learned however was that they were more passionate about their cause than we were. They learned that we wouldn't fight them and a government that was taking our rights and land from us. That was the first growing crop that was protected from harvest by a back door method. They have learned many more.

My question is this, when will the people in this nation of ours get fed up and say enough? When will you start fighting city hall, so to speak, and start taking back your rights and property? When will we quit sticking our tail between our legs and walking away from this fight like whipped puppies?

It's easy to set at home and watch the stupid tube, called TV, and let others do your fighting now isn't it. I hear everyone complaining but none will get involved in the battle. Just look at the ones running for the Democratic nomination for the next presidential race if you don't believe that they are waiting in the wings to fire the last shot to win this war. I have never seen so many lame people running for the highest office in the land. Our founding fathers and ancestors should bee spinning in their graves watching this one.

The sad thing is that all those appointed public employee's who are in control of all the government agencies that have so much control over our lives are setting back licking there chops and digging in to show their power over everyone. The ones in the Federal agencies are putting pressure on the states and the states are just setting back and allowing it to happen. They keep saying there is nothing we can do, after all it's the law. I have news for them we are the law, the people, just look at the Constitution. It continues to trickle down hill to you and I, and we are allowing it.

Until we the people get up and go out and vote and demand those we vote for to change things we are doomed to repeat history and this great experiment we call a free nation will go the way of Rome, Communist Russia, and Nazi Germany we will disappear from the face of this earth as a nation and become some ruled society of mice to be controlled and told how to act and live. My only hope is that I am long gone from this earth by that time. I don't think I will be one to be pushed into this kind of system gracefully. I also believe there are many more of you out across this nation. My only wish was that there was a lot more of you. Then we just might stand a chance of saving this nation of ours that we all fought so hard and sacrificed so much to save. To bad it was all in vain.

God Bless America, and God Bless our Troops Still in Harms Way.
It's funny to hear people talk about how the spotted owl was responsible for the loss of jobs in the logging industry. :D

Doesn't everybody know the loggers had been overcutting for decades and decades, and if it hadn't been for the owl, they would have run out of trees to cut down anyway? And the same jobs would have been lost. When I hear somebody blaming everything on the spotted owl, it just proves to me that that person does not have a clue. :rolleyes:
Well i have to say that after reading that stuff from "loony mike" he did make a couple of interesting points. #1 it is a lousy group of presidential material we have running. #2 why do the liberal types have more "passion" than conservatives? it would seem that they do! The million mommy march against guns, gays/lesbows marching, why aren`t people passionate enough to march for gun rights,border security etc. this has always puzzled me. it seems that conservatives either don`t know how or don`t have the will to organize even 10 thousand people for their cause, yet the lib`s do it all of the time. other than those 2 points the sherrif seems confused.

Think about it.... Would you show up to any place that has 10,000 looney tune people like Sheriff Mike? Those kind of people scare me. I don't enjoy being around crazy people, and crazy people with guns really scare me. I don't even like going to gun shows because of the looney tunes in there wearing NRA hats and worrying about Communists taking over the world while selling militia books about how to make a couch into a bomb.
Gunner i wear a NRA hat and a hunttalk hat[am i crazy?] yes i am "desperate" for some high profile action against illegal immigration so i would have to march with anyone crazy or not who would send a message to washington. but seriously it just seems conservatives don`t ever march or protest "loudly" enough. you would think that at least once there would be a march against ridicules gun laws or something like that but it just doesn`t happen [anyone know why], everyone i know was against the brady bill, but nobody marched/protested or anything. just seems strange that the left does it all of the time but the right never does.[odd]

Look at the belly on the looney sherrif. I doubt he could march from his car into the front door of the Krispy Kreme shop. :rolleyes:

I don't think the marches do that much good, but they do get on the news. Right now we have some ultra conservative homophobic idiot from Kansas who calls himself a Pastor trying to create trouble in Boise and surrounding communities. Claims that the presence of a Ten Commandments monument on City property gives him a license to put up an anti-gay hate message monument, about the kid from Wyoming.

So, we end up with these ultra-right wing nuts protesting to have the hate monument put up, we have bible banging sheep following their pastors out in the cold to stand next to the Ten Commandments to keep the City from removing them, and you have a handful of people telling the idiot from Kansas to get out of town. It is all good theater, but not swaying anybodies opinions....
Sounds like Pastor Fred Phelps you're speaking of, Gunner. What a gem he is. He likes to bring his whole family over to protest during the annual CSU-WY football game.

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