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Mice campgear terroists!


New member
Dec 19, 2003
St. Ignatius,MT
I was cleaning out the garage today when I discovered mice had attacked my campgear. The little bastards chewed a hole in the top af my canvas tent ( of course it had to be the top ) and they even popped open the grub box and chewed up all my granola bars I was saving for next year! This is war and they are winning. I'm not from mouse country and never had to deal with this problem before. Anybody have any fool proof ways of protecting your gear up hear ?
Well, Ya can take a post. Have about a block of 22 long rifle ammo, pumped into a nice decked out Ruger 10/22 and play Rambo.

OR, resolve to fix the damage already suffered and then take measures for prevention. # 1, NO FOOD stored w/ equipment (that's just bait). Mice/Rats/coons/wolverines/porky'pines/varmits can gnaw thru anythin' not metal.

Then when your done, check out my 'Recipe' post for Roasted Fluffy!
Some folk say mothballs work. Others wrap stuff, plastic, straw, cloth, wood, paper in metal. By the way; you'll want to stuff steel wool around your lawn mower components, breather, muffler, space between motor and deck, etc where they might want to build nests.
[ 02-28-2004, 12:01: Message edited by: RogueWarrior1957 ]
We had a neighbor that threw everything in their garage, well since we live in a duplex and the garages were next to each other we had rats get into our stuff went over to Home Depot and got some little blue blocks of bait. Cursed the neighbors for the mess in their garage. Had to replace a tent and a few other things.

I got the last laugh when the neighbors discovered that the nest was under their bedroom and the little boogers took the bait back to the nest. I guess it smelt real nice in their place for a while. My only regret was that we had moved just prior to the discovery.
Get a pet snake. Buy mouse traps. By D-Con. Dried blood works for gophers and can be found in any garden center. Dynamite. Go get a 55 gallon drum to store your goods in. Just set it in the corner of the garage. Put silaca gell packs or charcaol in to collect any moisture. It would have to be one hell of a mouse to get through it and if it does, you have bigger problems. :D
My bet is the mice heard about your huge Gerbil collection and figured your place was a safe haven..............
I don't really have a problem with mice in the camping/hunting gear, just the Christmas stuff. But we have a cat that likes to "play" with the littel buggers, an old dog that'll track them down and kill them, and another dog that watns nothing ot do with them. But when they do get in the house we use traps with creamy peanut butter on it.
Quick Draw
Metal!!! Well I should of thought about that seeing how I build metal stuff for a livin. I'll start building some custom fit boxes this week for all my gear. I do think the 10/22 blast off sounds alot more fun though. ;)
Caribou Gear

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